The Journey of

the Graduating Class of 1955


From David Moll's "Living and Learning" book

David Moll
Mr. Behrens
Ann Otto, Diane Meyer, Dan Roscoe

Mr. Lother Stolper, Jane Debs
John Rolfsmeyer, Everett DeGroff, John Bauman

Tom Bast, Karen Mennes, Dorothy Schultz
Connie Dahl, Noreen DeGroff, Dave Mathis

Donna Matthias, Sandra Wernick, Jon Grefsheim,

Sharon Lindl, Alice Oakey

Ricky Schultz Herman Heinecke, Judy Hoyard


1955 Confirmaton at Eastside.
Some of these were MLS students.


1955 Confirmaton at Holy Cross.
Some of these were MLS students.


1855 Confirmaton at Our Saviour's.


Sorry, that's all we have about this class so far.