Alphabetical list of students who attended Madison Lutheran
for at least one year

When I started this, my rough estimate was that about 800-900 students attended MLS. We now have over 1000 names. The list is incomplete and there are undoubtedly misspellings and other mistakes.

The primary sources for the list have been from Immanuel, which kept a nice list of students from their congregation who attended MLS, and from scrapbooks that Miss Buchholz kept of the children she taught in first and/or second grade. She was unsure of several names, but did in fact keep an excellent record of her students. Miss Buchholz taught at Madison Lutheran all the years it was in existence! Unfortunately the years 1946-1950 were missing from her collection. Mr. Norman Marozick who was secretary of the board for Madison Lutheran for many years, sent a box of materials which included some lists of students. The first principal of Madison Lutheran, Mr. Morton Schroeder, also sent a couple lists of early students. Richard Maginnis, Alice Oakey, Katy Oakey, Judy Maginnis, Douglas Strand, and Tom Ziegler's mother submitted lists of those who graduated in their classes. If you have corrections or additions, please contact Judy Kuster

Graduation years are provided where known for those who completed 8th grade at MLS. Those who attended MLS but were not there for 8th grade are marked with "x+year-they-would-have-graduated."

total so far - 1028


Enrollment by year

Of course, exact enrollment figures are impossible since some children left during an academic year and others came. Below are some of the enrollment numbers that are found in various papers.

last updated August 6, 2020