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From: Joe Lukong
Date: 05 Sep 2004
Time: 21:33:11 -0500
Remote Name:
During the world congress for people who stutter that took place in Perth Western Australia, the SCAC obtained copy of the CD rom on stuttering that was released by the International Stuttering association to mark the year 2004 that has been declared as the INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR CHILDREN WHO STUTTER (IYCWS). The said CD-rom contains valuable information for children who stutter. While in Cameroon, the SPEAK CLEAR ASSOCIATION OF CAMEROON (SCAC) was accorded a grant by one local association in Cameroon which enabled her to print out and bind into booklets form 50 copies of the CD rom that have been distributed to some schools in Cameroon. Plans are underway to make many copies of these useful documents and to organize seminars and work shops for parents and teachers of stuttering children where they will be distributed. We are making an appeal to good will persons in and out of Cameroon to help us make more copies of this document and to organize the said workshops and seminars.