About the presenter: Judith Kuster, M.S. in speech-language pathology and M.S. in counseling, is an ASHA Fellow and professor of Communication Disorders at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She is the webmaster for the Stuttering Home Page as well as the coordinator of this online conference. She holds Specialty Recognition in Stuttering and is the recipient of the ASHF DiCarlo Award for Outstanding Clinical Achievement, the 2003 Distinguished Contributor Award from the International Fluency Association. a 2007 Outstanding Contribution Award from the International Stuttering Association, the 2008 ASHA Distinguished Contributor Award, and in 2009 named to the National Stuttering Association's Hall of Fame.
A Cluttering Yahoo Group
by Judith Kuster
from Minnesota, USA
The yahoo group, Cluttering, was created by Joseph Dewey in September 2003. It currently has over 400 members subscribed although over 100 of them are "bouncing" members which means they are not currently receiving messages or participating in the group at the time this article was written. There are typically fewer than 20 messages/month posted and responded to, although the number of messages in a single month has ranged from 0-106. Although the founder has not posted since March 2009, several others continue to sustain an active exchange of ideas and information.
Very important components of the Cluttering Yahoo Group are the treasures the founder has placed under the "File," "Links," and "Polls." These sections have probably the most information about cluttering found in one place on the internet. You must be a member of the Cluttering Yahoo Group to access the files, links and polls section, but everything is freely available. The following are some of the treasures available. (Only several of those listed by Joseph Dewey, the group owner, are cited below. Additional resources have been uploaded by other members of the Cluttering Yahoo Group as well).
- cluttering example 2a.mp3 is an audio example of Dewey's spontaneous speech and cluttering example explained.doc provides an explanation and helpful comments about the cluttering example.
Explanation of Joseph's cluttering example
- Two charts about cluttering developed by Kenneth O. St. Louis, Ph.D.
- ClutteringAll-byStLouis.jpg
- ClutteringNoTerm-byStLouis.jpg
- Crispin Glover and David Letterman.wma -
Audio of Crispin Glover on David Letterman showing cluttering
- DalyRevisedClutteringInventory.pdf and David and Crispin.doc - an analysis of Crispin Glover's cluttering.
- David Daly's new checklist, Predictive Cluttering Inventory (PCI)
- joseph1.mp3 - an example of Dewey's "faking" cluttering (also available on the online conference).
LINKS (some of the links listed by Dewey may no longer be functional)
- Cluttering - a brochure on cluttering by Kenneth O. St. Louis
- Article on cluttering
- Cluttering Interview - an interview that Camil Reyes-Alami did with Dewey
- Cluttering cartoon (Stuttering vs. Cluttering)
- Cluttering handout - from Michelle Harmon's course on Stuttering, Mississippi University for Women
- Cluttering overview - "Optional Symptoms of Cluttering", from Cindy Spiller's course on Stuttering, University of Minnesota, Duluth
- Links to books on cluttering that can be purchased on Amazon.com
- Cluttering: A clinical perspective
- Deso Weiss's book on cluttering
- The source for Stuttering and Cluttering, David Daly
- Cluttering: Brochure for children
- Northern California Cluttering Meetup group - a support group for discussing cluttering, (Information about this group is also featured in this online conference).
- Paper on cluttering - by Kenneth O. St. Louis, from an International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference
- Do you have any other conditions that you feel are related to your cluttering? (If so, which one is the main one?)
- How do you feel that your cluttering has affected your outlook on life? Please choose the statement that most closely describes you.
- Have you taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory? If so were you: (If you are equal between two types, pick the one you feel most resembles you)
- Which of the following categories best describes you?
- [For SLP's:] How do you feel about treating cluttering?
- What was the main way that you found out about your cluttering?
- [For non-clutterers:] How does the cluttered speech of your friend or family member sound to you?
- How much speech therapy have you been to?
- Have you read Deso Weiss's book titled 'Cluttering'?
Anyone interested in cluttering, both consumers and professionals, are invited to join the Cluttering Yahoo Group
- To subscribe, email: cluttering-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
- To post a message, email: cluttering@yahoogroups.com
- To unsubscribe, email: cluttering-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
Note: With the yahoo groups, you are able to either receive the email messages or you also have the option to set your subscription to "no mail" and simply open the group site (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cluttering) and read and post messages online.
SUBMITTED: March 23, 2010
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