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About the presenter: Jonathan Wong is chair of the "Family Issues Committee" of the International Cluttering Association. He writes, "I'm a parent with a 15 year old son who clutters. For the last 10 years, we have struggled with the diagnosis and resources for my son's language delays. Hopefully, our story will help other parents and also help spread awareness for cluttering." |
I started the NorCalCluttering Group (Northern California Cluttering Group) out of pure necessity for my son's cluttering needs. I wanted him to be more comfortable when socializing and interacting with others. By putting him in a group with similar issues, I was hoping this would give him better self esteem when he realizes that there are others out there like him. It would also help him with social interactions with others in a safe environment.
In the past and also presently, the only social training available for children my son's age was for children diagnosed with autism. Most people who clutter (PWC) don't fall in that category. The stuttering groups we encountered were more support groups than social groups. We needed a gathering spot for PWC to socialize. In turn, hopefully this would provide a safe encouraging method to socially interact with others.
The primary focus of the NoCal Cluttering Group is to start a social group for people who clutter (PWC) and for their friends/family, who can just hang out in a safe, fun, comfortable environment once a month for an hour or so. It will be a friendly, casual and informal get together to meet and network with other PWC.
Activities and discussions can include anything and everything, or nothing at all. By the nature of this group, support would naturally occur. We try to have the meetings at places where we can have a few snacks or lunch and then members can spend the rest of the day checking out the local area.
I envision this group growing into fun events for families and friends of PWC. We can find local spots for lunches, dinners, bbq's, bike riding, a day in the snow, video games, local event gatherings, etc. Hopefully we can create some life long relationships.
Anyone can join us. All we ask is that you be kind and compassionate towards one another.
The meeting locations are in the Northern California - San Francisco area, please sign up. Even though you may not be our area, please become a member. It would help our cause to show that there are others who clutter out there. Hopefully this will also inspire others to start their own support groups for PWC. I do envision starting some sort of online version of the group in the near future. Please visit our website for more details.
SUBMITTED: March 14, 2010
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