This paper reflects a number of thoughts that are still very much in
progress. It is submitted to the congress participants for their comments,
critique and suggestions. In developing these thoughts, I will be using
information obtained from a wide variety of sources. Because this forum can
be considered the electronic equivalent of a congress presentation, I will
use a "congress strategy" for referencing these sources. That is, although I
will name sources when the information is very specific, most will remain
unnamed in order not to overwhelm the reader with a long list of references.
Similarly, when referring to some of the neuroimaging data obtained in our
lab that have helped shape these thoughts, I will refrain from detailed
methodological explanations, and concentrate on the main observations and
implications, as I see them. I count on the discussion to provide space and
time for further details, if needed.
Many authors have argued that stuttering can best be seen as a
multidimensional disorder of speech fluency. By that, these authors usually
mean that it is difficult, or even impossible, to characterize stuttering
along a single dimension, such as a psychological, physiological, or
environmental disorder. It is generally implied that such a multidimensional
approach allows a much better understanding of the complexity of stuttering.
I will argue in the present paper that a detailed discussion of the merits
of multidimensional models can not be separated from a careful consideration
of the level of observation at which the data in support of the models have
been obtained. Furthermore, I will argue that even if multidimensional
models of stuttering are most appropriate to reflect the complexity of the
disorder, this in itself does not necessarily imply that the cause of
stuttering also needs to be complex (in the sense of multifactorial).
Finally, I will bring in my own bias even more strongly by trying to argue
that a true understanding of the causal variable(s) of stuttering will only
be gained through the adoption of a neurophysiological perspective.
I think that few will disagree with the statement that the ultimate goal of
a multidimensional model of stuttering is to provide a better understanding
of the nature and complexity of the speech disorder. However, it is
important to understand that this can occur at a number of different levels.
At one level, one can try to characterize a disorder that affects humans by
the observable "symptoms" and their consequences. You can call this a
descriptive level of understanding. Such models of stuttering can
incorporate descriptions of 1) observable behaviours (behavioural
dimension), including speech disfluencies, various oral and non-oral
concomittant behaviours, slower reaction times, and articulatory
discoordination patterns, among others; 2) social-psychological behaviours
(socio-psychological dimension) including avoidance behaviour,
assertiveness, personality characteristics, locus of control
characteristics, and speaker-listener interaction patterns, among others;
and 3) cognitive variables (cognitive dimension), including
psycholinguistic, academic, and anticipatory variables, among others.
The information gained by characterizing stuttering at the descriptive level
is very important in a number of aspects. First of all, it allows
researchers and clinicians to identify the disorder and to differentiate it
from other disorders. Secondly, careful observation of the symptoms, and
interpretation of these symptoms in light of what we know about, for
instance, human physiology or psychology, may provide important clues as to
what may cause the disorder. Thirdly, and importantly, a careful
consideration of the various dimensions along which the disorder affects the
person is crucial in planning comprehensive clinical intervention. However,
it is important to note that, at this level, most if not all long-term
disorders that afflict humans can be characterized as multidimensional. For
instance, diseases such as Parkinson's, amyotropic lateral sclerosis,
diabetes, and asthma not only have physical symptoms, but also will have
considerable effects on the person's social-psychological and cognitive
characteristics. Few researchers or clinicians, however, will claim that all
of these dimensions necessarily need to be included in defining the cause of
these disorders.
In my opinion, people working in the area of stuttering, myself included,
have not always made a clear distinction between this descriptive level of
characterizing stuttering and the variables that necessarily need to be
considered when speculating about the cause of the disorder. An example of
this is the Demands-Capacity Model (DCM) as proposed by Starkweather and his
colleagues (Starkweather, Gottwald, & Halfond, 1990). In this model,
stuttering is said to develop as a result of an imbalance between a child's
capacities for fluent speech and the demands placed on these capacities,
mainly from the child's environment. Although Starkweather has argued on a
number of occasions that his DCM model is not a theory of stuttering, but
rather an organizational framework for clinical intervention, it has been
very tempting to consider the discrepancy, in itself, as the cause of
stuttering (for instance, see (Adams, 1990). For instance, within the model
stuttering apparently can result from discrepant capacities-demands, even
when the child has age-appropriate capacities for fluency.
I think that one of the difficulties with models like the DCM has been the
failure to make a clear distinction between trigger variables and causal
variables. A large number of events may serve as triggers for the
development of stuttering. Many examples of such triggers can be found
described in the literature, such as advanced language use by significant
people in the child's environment, academic pressures, fearful situations,
traumatic experiences, sudden environmental changes, demanding parenting
styles, etc. However, I, as do many other people, do not believe that such
triggers are sufficient to cause stuttering. Children do not start
stuttering simply because their parents use complex language. Many children
who do not stutter grow up in similar linguistically demanding environments.
In my opinion, many of the demands discussed by Starkweather fall into this
"trigger" category, and, thus, I agree with him that the DCM says "little or
nothing about the cause of stuttering" (p. 263 - italics added). Something
else must be present for the trigger to work on. I strongly believe that
that "something else" will be found in the neurological make-up of those who
stutter, but more on that later.
While multidimensional models are excellent tools to explain the great
behavioural diversity seen among individuals who stutter, it falls short
explaining why the various interactions among the assumed dimensions and
their subcomponents should result in that one phenomenon that characterizes
all those who stutter: a motor disruption of speech fluency. In other words,
why would the hundred and one ways in which demands can exceed capacities
all result in highly similar speech disfluencies in different children? And
why do not all children who are experiencing similar discrepancies stutter?
In order to try to answer these questions, one has to build models at an
etiological level. Ideally, at this level one should only include variables
for which cause and effect relationship with stuttering are reasonably well
established. Of course, this not being an ideal world, and human behaviour
being famous for its complexity, this is not always possible and a certain
amount of speculation will be necessary. However, such speculation (or
"dreams" as Cairns-Smith (1996) calls them) should be driven by at least two
motivations. First of all, the fewer variables that need to be included to
explain stuttering, the better. In Isaac Newton's words when paraphrasing
"Occam's razor": "We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such
as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances". Secondly, the
role of variables included in the model should be congruent with what we
currently know about brain-behaviour interaction.
I assume that very few will have an argument with my call to keep the
explanation of stuttering as simple as possible. We obviously still have a
long way to go. To the best of my knowledge we have not been able to
identify a single variable that can be considered to be either necessary or
sufficient as cause of stuttering (including discrepant capacities-demands).
More disagreement may come from the second criterion that places the focus
on the neural system as an explanatory framework. For sure, the idea that
the neural system should have a central role in any explanation of
stuttering is not new. In outlining a theoretical framework for stuttering
research, Zimmerman and colleagues (Zimmermann, Smith, & Hanley, 1981)
already suggested that any explanation of stuttering should clarify how
variables hypothesized to cause stuttering influence the "final common
pathway" (i.e., motor neurons). I would like to go a step further and
suggest that because the neural system is the central driving force behind
everything we think, feel, and do, true understanding of the etiology of
stuttering will only emerge if we understand the neural bases of human
behaviour, and more importantly, if we recognize its central role by placing
it at the very centre of our theoretical model. This is not a trivial task.
Despite the tremendous gains in our ability to study how the neural system
regulates human behaviour, these advances in many instances have at most
only allowed us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the system,
rather than lead to any new and proven insights into the causal mechanisms
that underlie specific aspects of the behaviour under scrutiny. Therefore, I
will not even attempt to suggest a new theory of stuttering in this paper.
But I hope that the current thoughts will help in pointing out the right
direction for the development of such a theory.
In another place (De Nil, 1997) I have argued that one of the reasons why we
observe interindividual differences among people who stutter, in their
behaviour, and how they handle and react to certain situations, can best be
understood by contemplating the role of the brain as a "filter" of incoming
information. I've presented a model which stressed that any input received
by the speaker (whether consciously perceived or not) in most cases will
only affect the output (behaviour, in its most broad interpretation) after
being filtered and processed by the brain. How the brain filters and
processes the incoming information will depend on its innate and/or acquired
anatomical and functional characteristics, which may (and in many instances
will) differ from person to person. These characteristics can be relatively
stable (as for instance in certain psychiatric conditions), or temporary
(for instance when under the influence of psychoactive drugs).
Seen in this light one can understand, for instance, why an environment in
which fast speaking rate is the norm may in one child result in stuttering,
while another child in a similar environment may herself develop advanced
speaking skills. If one tries to argue that the fast speaking rate, as an
environmental demand, is the "cause" of stuttering, it would be hard to
explain why stuttering develops in one child and not in the other one.
Moreover, one is bound to be confronted with cases where children seem to
develop stuttering without being bombarded by fast language. It is tempting
then to look for other variables (for instance advanced language levels),
which may pose similar demands on the child. And pretty soon, we are talking
about a multitude of variables that may "cause" stuttering. However, if one
shifts his focus to the neurological apparatus that sits between the input
and output, it becomes evident that the nature of the input is less
important than how the central nervous system is able to process that input.
Consequently, studying the "demand" (= input) side of the equation will not
reveal the true cause of stuttering (= output). If the demands are not a
good place to look for the "cause" of stuttering (although they certainly
may help us to formulate some decent hypotheses), a logical conclusion seems
to be that one should take a close look at the "capacities". I would agree
as long as it is clear what one understands under "capacities". I have some
difficulties with the view that the onset of stuttering depends on a variety
of capacities (cognitive, linguistic, motor, etc.) which may lead to
stuttering, either separately or in combination. Given the relative
uniformity with which stuttering manifests itself in children and even
adults (after all, although it may be quite difficult to identify individual
moments of stuttering, there generally is considerable agreement on
identifying an individual as someone who stutters), it would seem to me that
there has to be a single (and, I would argue, neural) factor that lies at
the root of the problem. Let me state right away that the term "single
factor" does not imply that the factor necessarily is a simple one. Indeed,
there is ample evidence in neuroscience that human functions, for instance
memory or language, are not subserved by an anatomically localized and
identifiable single structure, but rather depend on complex neural systems
which are distributed throughout the brain. For instance, it would be an
enormous oversimplification to say that memory is located in the
hippocampus, or that language is located in Broca's area, or in Wernicke's
area, or even in the left hemisphere. When using the term "single factor" in
talking about the cause of stuttering, I'm referring to something akin to
the "fluency generating system" suggested by Watson & Freeman (1997).
Indeed, only such a system's approach to stuttering, in my opinion, can
explain why neurogenic stuttering, which can be remarkably similar to
developmental stuttering in its manifestation, has been observed following
trauma to such a wide variety of neural structures.
In our own research work, my colleague Dr. Kroll, and I have concentrated
primarily on attempting to elucidate the neural mechanism that may lead an
individual to develop stuttering. In recent years, we have used primarily
functional neuroimaging to help us in this search. This work, of course,
needs to be interpreted against the background of the research work done by
other investigators who have pursued the same goal, often using different
methodologies. This is not the place to go into a lot of detail of this
work, but I would like to discuss briefly a number of observations that, I
think, are important in shaping our current thinking about the neural basis
of stuttering.
In our positron emission tomography studies (De Nil, Kroll, Kapur, & Houle,
1996; De Nil, Kroll, Kapur, & Houle, submitted; Kroll & De Nil, submitted;
Kroll, De Nil, Kapur, & Houle, 1997) we have used very simple language
tasks, such as single word reading and verb generation, to investigate
differences in how stuttering and nonstuttering individuals process such
tasks. The idea is that by using such simple tasks, rather than more complex
language tasks, we have better experimental control over the cognitive and
sensorimotor processes used during task completion. We believe this will
allow us to narrow down the number of interpretations that can give to our
results, thereby helping us to formulate more focussed hypotheses for
further investigations. Furthermore, it is assumed that whatever neural
processes are responsible for stuttering will be active during simple as
well as more complex language tasks. In an attempt to identify some of the
"invariant' neural characteristics of stuttering, if any are to be found,
the strategy we have used is to investigate stuttering subjects prior to
treatment and immediately following treatment. The rationale behind this is
that although behavioural changes certainly may result in observable changes
in neural activation patterns, innate neural processes, those that are more
or less hard wired into the system, do not change overnight, if ever. Our
current findings have supported some of these assumptions. I will briefly
review some of these findings in the following paragraphs, with the
cautionary note that some of these observations are based on preliminary
analysis of very recent data.
Stuttering subjects clearly show different neural activation patterns
compared to nonstuttering subjects even during silent reading of single
words, when no stuttering is reported. While silent reading of single words
results in bilateral activation in both subject groups, activation in the
nonstuttering speakers is biased toward the left hemisphere, while in the
stuttering subjects, the bias clearly is toward the right. So far, it
appears that the focus of activation differences between the two groups is
located in the frontal cortex (rostral to the central sulcus), which makes
sense given the fact that stuttering is primarily a motor disruption of
speech. The fact that such between-group differences can be observed even
during a task as simple as silent reading of words, suggest that the neural
activation differences are not just a result of the presence of stuttering
in speech, but reflect a fundamental, innate or early acquired,
As can be expected, the differences in neural activation between stuttering
and nonstuttering adults are present during oral speech as well. So far, we
have been able to observe right hemisphere biased activation in stuttering
speakers during oral reading of words and during self-generation of verbs
following presentation of a noun. In every instance, as with silent reading,
the activation is primarily focused in the frontal cortex, especially
implicating cortical areas involved in the motor control of movements.
An important observation is the fact that following intensive behavioural
treatment for stuttering, when the subjects are essentially fluent using
their learned fluency skills, the basic pattern of right-biased activation
does not seem to change dramatically. However, on top of that (possibly
invariant) activation pattern, there appears to be additional neural
activation that involves primarily the sensorimotor cortex in the left
The picture that emerges seems to be that there are fundamental differences
in the way stuttering and nonstuttering subjects process language and/or
produce speech. The precise relationship between these differences and the
observed speech disfluencies is still unclear, although the observation that
the differences primarily involve motor cortex may point to a potential
causal relationship. It is tempting, of course, to think that the observed
activation patterns may be part of the "fluency generating system" mentioned
before. Contrary to what others have reported previously, these differences
in activation patterns do not appear to become completely "normalized"
following treatment. Rather, clinical treatment, such like the 'Precision
Fluency Shaping Program' based approach used in our studies, seems to result
in potentially compensatory activation which is overlaid on top of seemingly
invariant neural processing mechanisms. This seems to be congruent with a
number of (admittedly selected) well-established observations about
One of the limitations of functional neuroimaging studies in stuttering is
that they are based on groups of individuals, thereby obscuring potentially
important observations on interindividual differences. Current efforts to
use more refined techniques, such as event-related functional magnetic
resonance imaging, are underway in our lab to study such differences.
In conclusion, I have tried to argue that stuttering, while clearly a
complex, multidimensional disorder affecting many different aspects of the
person's existence, does not necessarily have to have an equally complex
cause. I have further argued that the search for such cause ultimately will
have to focus on how the neural system controls speech production. I believe
that current functional neuroimaging techniques such as PET and fMRI,
combined with other brain imaging techniques, will help us to focus more
intensly on such neural control processes, and in doing so contribute
greatly to our understanding of the nature of stuttering.
Adams, M.R. (1990). The demands and capacities model: I. Theoretical elaborations. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 15, 135-141.
Cairns-Smith, A.G. (1996). Evolving the mind. On the nature of matter and the origin of consciousness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
De Nil, L.F. (1997). Stuttering: A neurophysiological perspective. In N. Bernstein Ratner & C. Healey (Eds.), Current perspective in stuttering: Nature and treatment. Erlbaum.
De Nil, L.F., Kroll, R.M., Kapur, S., & Houle, S. (1996). An [15O] H2O PET study of neural processes associated with single word reading in untreated and treated stutterers and nonstutterers. Sixth Annual Rotman Research Institute Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.
De Nil, L.F., Kroll, R.M., Kapur, S., & Houle, S. (submitted). A positron emission tomography study of silent and oral reading of single words in stuttering and nonstuttering adults.
Kroll, R.M., & De Nil, L.F. (submitted). PET studies of stuttering: Their relationship to our theoretical and clinical understanding of the disorder.
Kroll, R.M., De Nil, L.F., Kapur, S., & Houle, S. (1997). A positron emission tomography investigation of post-treatment brain activation in stutterers. In H. F. M. Peters & W. Hulstijn (Eds.), Proceedings of the third international conference on speech motor production and fluency disorders. (pp. 307-320). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers.
Starkweather, C.W. (1997). Learning and its role in stuttering development. In R. F. Curlee & G. M. Siegel (Eds.), Nature and treatment of stuttering. New directions. (pp. 79-96). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Starkweather, C.W., Gottwald, S.R., & Halfond, M.M. (1990). Stuttering prevention. A clinical method. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Watson, B.C., & Freeman, F.J. (1997). Brain imaging contributions. In R. F. Curlee & G. M. Siegel (Eds.), Nature and treatment of stuttering. New directions. (pp. 143-166). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Zimmermann, G.N., Smith, A., & Hanley, J.M. (1981). Stuttering: In need of a unifying conceptual framework. Journal of Speech & Hearing Research, 24, 25-31.