About the presenter: Judy Kuster is an associate professor in Communication Disorders at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She is well-published in Internet resources and is the webmaster for Net Connections for Communication Disorders and Sciences and the Stuttering Home Page as well as the coordinator of this online conference. The following is a revision of an article that first appeared in Speaking Out, the newletter for Speak Easy, Inc. Canada. It is reproduced below to provide readers with information about several non-commercial resources about stuttering that are currently on the Internet. The URLs (web addresses) are typed out rather than linked to keep the reader within the site of the conference. It is suggested that the reader print out the article and explore several of the sites on your own. All of the sites are also linked to the Stuttering Home Page
Internet Resources About Stuttering
by Judith Maginnis Kuster
Minnesota, USA
The Internet has provided opportunities to connect people interested
in specific topics in ways that have not been possible in the past and
also makes accessible an abundance of information that may have
seemed hard to find for anyone depending on libraries and local
resources. These connections and easily accessible information have
opened new and exciting doors for many persons who stutter. The
two primary services on the Internet are those available through
email and those available through a web browser. This paper points
to several information resources about stuttering that can be found
on the Internet.
Discussion Forums - Mailing Lists and Newsgroups
Discussion forums are Internet resources designed to provide
opportunity to participate in discussion about a specific topic, or, if
you prefer, to watch the discussion. There are several types of
discussion forums available on the Internet, including mailing lists,
newsgroups, web-based bulletin boards, and chat rooms. There are
several in which people interested in stuttering ask/answer
questions, offer suggestions, discuss issues, evaluate therapy
programs, etc. These forums have become virtual support groups,
provide exciting new bridges between professionals and consumers,
and are often an important learning opportunity for students and
parents of children who stutter.
Mailing lists
Mailing lists (sometimes referred to as "listservs") are discussion
forums that require subscription. Some mailing lists are open. Others
are available only to members of a certain group. Subscribing to a list
assumes that you will follow certain rules of Netiquette as well as the
general rules posted by the list owner. To learn more about
Netiquette, check
There is no fee to subscribe. When you subscribe to a mailing list,
you will receive any messages sent to that address. You can read
them and reply to them (if you choose to), either replying to the
entire group of subscribers, or to the individual who posted the
message. It is important to remember that if you send a message to
listserv@rest.of.address, you are talking to a computer. You write to
the computer to subscribe to the group, to review who else is
subscribed, to check the archives, to signoff, etc. When you send an
email message to the stutt-lists@rest.of.address described below
(stut-hlp, stutt-l, stutt-x, sid4, stot-ml, wordfree. etc.) you are
sending a message to everyone subscribed to that list - sometimes
more than 400 people.
- NSPCHAP@LISTSERV.TEMPLE.EDU is a closed mailing list for leaders of
National Stutter Project chapters.
- PARENTS-W@F-BODY.ORG is a mailing list for parents
concerned about stuttering behaviors in children. Professionals,
students, and others interested are also welcome to join. To subscribe
send the following message to majordomo@f-body.org, subscribe
parents-w. The list owner is Larry Burd.
- SID4@LISTSERV.TEMPLE.EDU is a mailing list for members of the
ASHA Special Interest Division 4 on Stuttering and other fluency
disorders. Any ASHA member is welcome to join SID4 which will
then make them eligible to join the closed mailing list. To subscribe
send email to: listserv@listserv.temple.edu with the message
subscribe sid4 yourfirstname yourlastname. This will be
automatically forwarded to the list owner.
- (ed. November 30, 2002, at the request of the owner, information about the now-closed mailing list stot-ml has been deleted).
- STUT-HLP@ECNET.NET is an open list, designed as a virtual
support group for people who stutter and their families. To
subscribe, send email to listproc2@ecnet.net and type subscribe
Stut-hlp firstname lastname in the body of the message. The list
owner is Robert Quesal.
- STUTT-L@LISTSERV.TEMPLE.EDU is an open list originally designed
for researchers, clinicians, and theorists concerned about the problem
of stuttering. It also has many people who stutter that participate. To
subscribe, addresss email to listserv@listserv.temple.edu and type
subscribe Stutt-L firstname lastname in the body of the
- STUTT-X@ASU.EDU is an open list designed for
the discussion about research of communication disorders, fluency
disorders in particular. To subscribe, send the email to
listserv@asu.edu and type subscribe Stutt-X
firstname lastname in the body of the message. The list owner is
Donald Mowrer
- WORDFREE@LISTSERV.TEMPLE.EDU is a closed mailing list for young
persons who stutter. Anyone who stutters and is old enough to use
email on a computer but younger than age 20 is welcome. To join
address email to listserv@listserv.temple.edu, and type sub
wordfree firstname lastname in the body of the message.
Newsgroups are discussion groups that do not require you to
subscribe. You can check in at any time and read what is being
discussed. If you wish, you can also post messages. There are
thousands of different newsgroups which may or may not be
available through your Internet connection. There are several
newsgroups which may be of interest to persons who stutter.
- alt.support.stuttering is a usenet newsgroup about stuttering
- de.sci.medizin.logopaedie Diese Newsgroup ist auch fuer das Thema Stottern und Selbsthilfe offen. (may not be available on US newsreaders).
- alt.org.toastmasters is a newsgroup about Toastmasters
Several Web Sites Of Interest To People Who Stutter
While mailing lists and newsgroups provide opportunity to ask
questions about and discuss stuttering, world wide web sites provide
an abundance of text information for people who stutter, parents
who are concerned about their child's disfluency, clinicians,
researchers, professors and students who are working with clients or
studying about disorders of fluency. In the following non-commercial resources one
can find information about stuttering in many different languages,
how to reach support organizations around the world, approaches to
therapy for children and adults (including ideas about therapy from
people who stutter), books and pamphlets about stuttering, an
annotated bibliography of recent research, personal stories by people
who stutter, opportunities to for children, teens, and adults to find
netpals to correspond with, conference papers, links to other
information sites, and much, much more.
- Stuttering Home Page - begun in 1994, this was the first major
resource on the World Wide Web about stuttering. It is an
information-rich site and also links to all of the resources listed
below (as well as many websites that have been placed online by
various therapy programs). These have not been included in this
article, which is not intended to support any particular therapy
approach or exclude legitimate programs that do not yet have an
Internet presence. http://www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/stutter.html
- Eric Bourland provides Strategies for living with stuttering
- Darrell Dodge's Veils of Stuttering Web site explores "the effect of
stuttering on the human identity."
- J. Anthony Wray's "site is dedicated to providing information about
the nature of stuttering and ways to prevent its development."
- Student project - UM-Duluth - was created as "one piece of a larger
public relations class project, designed to educate the public about
- W Johnson Memorial Page was created by Wendell Johnson's son
Nicholas "as a cyberspace memorial to his memory -- and as a ready
reference source for today's students and practitioners of speech
pathology and of general semantics."
- Scatman's World Wide Web is one of several sites devoted to
"Scatman John" Larkin, an American musician who stutters.
- MSNBC's "Word by Word - Understanding Stuttering"
- Robert Quesal's Some "Common Sense" Views on the Disorder of
The following are examples of sites that have been developed by
stuttering support organizations. Many contain valuable information
about stuttering, including newsletters, conference papers and
articles, as well as information about the organization.
- International Stuttering Association
- European League of Stuttering Associations
- Australia - Pacesetters
- Australia - Speak Easy
- Canada - British Columbia Association Of People Who Stutter
- Canada - Canadian Association of People Who Stutter
- Canada - Speakeasy, Inc.
- Denmark - Foreningen For Stammere I Danmark
- France - Association Vaincre le Bégaiement
- France - Association Parole-Begaiement (Speech-Stuttering
- Germany - Bundesvereinigung Stotterer-Selbsthilfe e.V.
- Iceland - Malbjorg
- Israel - Israeli Stuttering Support Group
- Japan Stuttering Homepage
- Netherlands - Stichting tot Voorlichting over Stotteren
- Netherlands - Stottervereniging Demosthenes
- South Africa - Speakeasy
- Sweden - Svenska Sidan Om Stamning
- Switzerland - Versta - Vereinigung fur Stotternde und Angehorige
http://www.versta.ch (open soon)
- United Kingdom - British Stammering Association
- United States - Friends: Association of Young People Who Stutter
- United States - National Stuttering Project
- United States - Passing Twice
- United States - Stuttering Foundation of America
The internet is exploding with information. What is provided above
are several representative examples of resources on the Internet -
not an exhaustive listing. Additional resources are coming online all
the time. Some will be excellent and others will try to market quick
cures for stuttering. Users of the Internet need to use this resource
as they would any other resource, evaluating the information
critically, particularly the source and its intended purpose.
September 17, 1998