The presenter of this paper has consented to have a personal email address posted here if you wish to raise further questions and/or comments. Contact Russ Hicks at Toastmasters From: Julie Watson Date: 10/1/99 Time: 8:19:03 PM Remote Name: Comments Thanks for the great article on Toastmasters, Russ. You made a reference to leadership skills being taught in addition to public speaking. As a people manager I would be interested in hearing about that aspect. Thanks. Re: Toastmasters From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/4/99 Time: 1:29:43 AM Remote Name: Comments Hello Julie, Yes indeed. There are TONS of leadership positions within Toastmasters. They range from officers in the individual clubs (Sergeant at Arms up through the President), then the District Officers like Area, Division and District Governor, and on up into the International Officers like International Directors, Vice Presidents and ultimately the President of Toastmasters International. It's similar to the organizational structure of a large corporation. Toastmasters has nearly 200,000 members worldwide, so you can see how you can have leadership experience all the way from a small 10 member club, up to the entire 200,000 member organization. Personally I've held every office in my club plus a year each as Area Governor (over about six clubs) and Division Governor (over about six areas). These are what you might call "line" positions, each position having increasing amounts of responsibility. The line positions of District Governor (over about six Divisions) on up to International President pretty much calls for a full time commitment. I was asked to run for an office leading up to District Governor in three years, but I declined realizing I didn't want to devote that much of my life to Toastmasters. I greatly respect those who do, however! In addition to "line" positions, there is also a plethora of "staff" positions, mainly at the District Staff level. I was District Directory Editor for two years, and am currently District Alignment Chairman this year. Again, this parallels the line and staff positions of major business corporations. Toastmasters does a wonderful job of providing excellent officer training courses and materials. This training is done by Toastmasters themselves (OURselves) so you not only get an opportunity to be trained but to participate in training yourself. Training is highly emphasized in all aspects of Toastmasters. There are two fundamental "tracks" in Toastmasters, first the "communication" track which emphasizes speaking as the primary activity, and second the "leadership" track which emphasizes organizational leadership as the primary activity. The ultimate educational rank of DTM, or Distinguished Toastmaster, is the culmination of both tracks. (I achieve this rank just last summer after 11 years in Toastmasters. Whew!) Perhaps the "Mission of the Club" in Toastmasters says it best: "The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth." So you can see where leadership skills are emphasized just as much communication skills. As a matter of fact, the basic Toastmasters manual is titled the "Communication and Leadership Program." As you can tell, I could go on endlessly on this topic. It's an exciting program. I hope I've answered at least some of your question. If you have any further questions, or would like me to get more specific on this one, just fire away. I love this stuff! Russ Moses from the Bible From: Benny Ravid Date: 10/2/99 Time: 12:36:11 AM Remote Name: Comments I heard a theory that Moses (from the Bible) was obliged to stutter, otherwise no body would listen to him as he had really though things to say. What do you think about? Re: Moses from the Bible From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/4/99 Time: 2:16:29 AM Remote Name: Comments Hello Benny, In the King James Version of the Bible, Exodus 4:10, it says "And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue." In the Living Bible, that same verse becomes: "But Moses pleaded, 'Oh Lord, I'm just not a good speaker. I never have been, and I'm not now, even after you have spoken to me, for I have a speech impediment." From that verse we have deduced that Moses stuttered. (I smile at that leap of faith, but hey, it sounds good to me!) It also tells us that whatever Moses had, he had it before God spoke to him from the burning bush, where this conversation took place. If that is all true, the theory you heard on Moses being "obliged" to stutter would have to have been predestined in Moses growing up, not as a result of what God said to Moses from the burning bush. So your belief in that theory would depend on your belief in predestination. Or possibly that God was looking specifically for a stutterer! Now wouldn't THAT be cool! In Exodus 4:14, God offers Moses' brother Aaron to speak for him, but strangely Aaron only plays a relatively minor role in the ensuing life of Moses. HmmmÉ? Is fluency that unimportant? PossiblyÉ probablyÉ soÉ In any event, to have a distinct way of speaking helps to distinguish a person from the masses of other people. I find it hard to believe that Moses would have been a severe stutterer, complete with terrible struggles to be fluent and have a bunch of head-jerking or foot-stomping secondaries. (But who am I to make those assumptions?) I do know that I am known very well in Toastmasters in Dallas (and a little nationwide) as one who stutters. And yes, I do think it helps to be a little "different" from everyone else. I know it's helped me more than it's hurt me, and people certainly remember me. But do they pay more attention to me BECAUSE I stutter? I don't know, but perhaps I like to think so. You pose a very interesting question, Benny. I wish I was smart enough to answer it. What do YOU think? Russ public speaking for stutterers From: Blair Vick Date: 10/5/99 Time: 9:36:54 AM Remote Name: Comments Hello! I am a first year graduate student at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, and I am currently enrolled in a stuttering class instructed by Dr. Joseph Kalinowski. During this class, I have found myself to be extremely interested in the personal experiences of those that stutter. For this reason, I wanted to specifically address your reactions to the anxiety accompanied with public speaking for persons who stutter. Currently, in our stuttering class, we have been learning about avoidance, expectancy, and struggle behaviors associated with the task of speaking for those that stutter. Do you find in your public speaking endeavors or any communicative act that you are using any of these compensatory strategies to avoid stuttering? I would assume that being constantly concerned with ways to avoid stuttering would add an enourmous amount of stress, pressure, and even effort to the act of speaking. Obviously, you have been very successful at your quest to become a reputable speaker, but do you find it a "mental struggle" at times between your intended message and your efforts not to stutter? I am really interested and fascinated about what goes on in the minds of those that stutter during speaking. It must require a lot of attention on each word of an utterance to avoid a potential stuttering block. Do persons who stutter have to strategically plan what they are going to say based on what they know they can or cannot say while delivering a speech? I enjoyed your article, and your refreshing views on the issue of public speaking. Blair Vick Re: public speaking for stutterers From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/6/99 Time: 11:33:15 AM Remote Name: Comments Hello Blair, First of all, thanks for that question. It's a very legitimate one. Second, seeing that you're from eastern NC, I hope you didn't wash away in the recent floods. Watching what was happening in NC from here in Dallas looked like a world class mess. Our son spent some flight training at MCAS Cherry Point, south of you, so we know the territory. North Carolina is a beautiful state. More trees than the rest of the US combined! But back to your questionÉ You asked, "Do you find in your public speaking endeavors or any communicative act that you are using any of these compensatory strategies to avoid stuttering?" My answer is no. I use no techniques whatsoever to avoid stuttering. It's been said - absolutely correctly - that "we stutter when we try not to stutter." The more I try to be fluent, the less fluent I become. Yes, when I'm in front of an audience (or any other time for that matter), I stutter. That's just me. That's the way I talk. In my youth (I'm 59 now), I struggled and avoided and did all kinds of things to keep from stuttering. It didn't work then, and it doesn't work now. So over the years I've learned to stutter easily and openly, with virtually no struggle to keep from stuttering. The result is that I can now communicate pretty well, stuttering and all. Other people either don't care or subconsciously filter it out - or probably both. As long as I communicate well, my fluency plays virtually no part in my speeches. (It took me forever to realize that, by the way.) Fluency and communication are two different concepts. You also said, "I would assume that being constantly concerned with ways to avoid stuttering would add an enormous amount of stress, pressure, and even effort to the act of speaking." Truer words have never been spoken! That's why I avoid those ways with a vengeance. If I let my stuttering out easily and openly, it doesn't interfere with my communication at all. If there's a trick to any of this, that's the trick. And it's really not a trick, it's just being honest with yourself and your audience. I stutter. That's me. Listen to what I'm saying, not how I'm saying it. And they do! Amazing, isn't it? You also asked, "Édo you find it a 'mental struggle' at times between your intended message and your efforts not to stutter?" My answer is no because I have use nothing to keep from stuttering. Fluent - and boring - speakers are dime a dozen. And I'm not one of them, thank heavens! Ha, ha! Another question you asked is, "Do persons who stutter have to strategically plan what they are going to say based on what they know they can or cannot say while delivering a speech?" My answer is I can only speak for myself, not for all stutterers. I definitely strategically plan my speeches for maximum communicative effect, not just to be fluent. Fluency plays virtually no part in my speech planning. ÉÉÉÉÉ. Blair, let me say that your overall question (and my answers) illustrates that I'm a prime example of the rule that all stutterers are vastly different. I'm slightly more fluent in front of an audience rather than one-on-one. I stutter noticeably in either case, but slightly less up in front of a group of people. But the more I fight it, the worse it gets. So by not fighting it all the time, I can concentrate on COMMUNICATING more effectively. And that's the name of the game. Do I get nervous? Absolutely! But it's for the same reason that anyone gets nervous. It's called adrenaline, the "fight or flight" syndrome. That's what makes this so much fun. Like riding up the first long ramp on a humongous roller coaster. It's a real rush! If you were bored with it, the ride itself wouldn't be half as much fun. And believe me, this ride is more fun than any roller coaster you can imagine! Thanks for your question, Blair. And good luck in school! Please keep in touch. Russ Email: Personal home page: Leadership and stuttering From: Benny Ravid Date: 10/7/99 Time: 2:52:22 AM Remote Name: Comments Would you recommend taking a leadereship workshop or other such program for PWS? Re: Leadership and stuttering From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/7/99 Time: 9:24:49 AM Remote Name: Comments Good morning Benny, I'm impressed that you're up at nearly 3:00 AM reading a paper - mine especially! :-) Where do you live? Was it really 3:00 in the morning where you are? Anyway, in answer to your question, certainly. People who stutter are really no different than anyone else. If other people - fluent people - can profit from leadership programs, stutterers can too. We also like to sing, dance, play the guitar, roller skate, eat (my weakness!), hang out with friendsÉ you name it, we do it just like everyone else. What's a little unusual about public speaking is that we (people who stutter) have a built in fear of doing things we supposedly can't do, or aren't supposed to be able to do. But the problem is OUR thinking about our own limitations. Once we break through the barrier of doing something like public speaking, and finding out that we really can do it and probably even enjoy it, the sky's the limit. Leadership? Absolutely. I understand that Moses and Winston Churchill, both people who stuttered, were pretty good at leading people. Fluent people should be as good! :-) Good question, Benny. Thanks for asking! Russ Re: Leadership and stuttering From: Benedikt Benediktsson Date: 10/8/99 Time: 10:51:26 AM Remote Name: Comments I absolutely agree. I myself and many others too, have found out that the fear of public speaking is not so much caused by the stuttering, but more by the general fear most people have for public speaking. We have used the stuttering as an excuse for not speaking in public. I have found it giving me a great kick to speak in radio or in front of a group of people where I have full attention from everyone. I am sure that courses in public speaking are very relevant for us who stutter. Probably more relevant than for others, because we need to realize our capabilities which have been hidden under the stuttering for years. congratulations From: Laurie from Minnesota Date: 10/11/99 Time: 11:59:46 AM Remote Name: Comments Congratulations on your work with Toastmasters. I can only imagine how hard it was for you to take that first step toward public speaking. Thank you for giving other stutterers something to consider. Re: congratulations From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/11/99 Time: 4:10:05 PM Remote Name: Comments Hi Laurie! Thanks for your kind words. Yeah, getting started was scary, no doubt. But that's another story I'll tell you sometimeÉ Looking back on things, and knowing what I know now, it really shouldn't have been scary at all. It's like riding a roller coaster: Your first time going up that long first ramp, you think your heart is going to jump right out of your chest! But once you get started - and find out that it's not nearly as dangerous as it looks - it becomes a LOT of fun! I look forward to all my Toastmaster activities these days. It's more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Thanks for your comments! Glad to have you on this on-line conference. I hope you're learning a lot. I know that I sure am! Best regards, Russ Are stutterers the same? From: Jeff Knox Date: 10/13/99 Time: 9:31:10 AM Remote Name: Comments Mr. Hicks, I enjoyed the article. It points out a couple of interesting facts: people are only concerned about themselves, and stutterers are like other people--only concerned about themselves. However, I think there may be one difference--stutterers giving a public address-such as speaking before a conference--may be concerned about the physical act of speaking more than a nonstutterer who may be concerned with a generalized "not being a good speaker" problem. What do you think? Jeff Re: Are stutterers the same? From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/13/99 Time: 3:17:18 PM Remote Name: Comments Hi Jeff, Thanks for your thoughts. Yes, I agree with you. I'm not sure if there's any scientific evidence to back this up, but it sure makes sense to me! I've long suspected there are two chains of thought regarding the fear of public speaking: 1. Fluent people think, "My mind will go blank or I'll say something stupid. Either way, I'll look like an idiot in front of all these people." 2. People who stutter think, "I'm not going to be able to say ANYTHING, and I'll look like an idiot in front of all these people." There are infinite variations on these thoughts, but I still think those are the central themes. Fluent speakers are more afraid of mental mistakes while stutterers are more afraid of the inability to speak at all. But either way, the result is the same: "... and I'll look like an idiot ..." People, stutterers or not, are deathly afraid of looking like fools in front of people they desperately want to impress. That's just human nature. So in that sense, we're all alike. But the specific fear that triggers this response is somewhat different between stutterers and fluent people - at least in my opinion. Personally, I think that the stuttering fear is slightly easier to come to grips with than the "mental breakdown" fear because of the specificness of the cause. We KNOW what we're afraid of! Fluent people have more of a "formless dread" fear that is harder to put your fingers on. And on the theory that fear of the unknown is scarier than a fear of the known, I'd rather deal with my fear of the known, thank you very much! But fear is fear any way you look at it. Whether it's real or imaginary is fundamentally irrelevant. We all have to learn to face our fears and deal with them as best we can. Personally Toastmasters has helped me face my fears better than anything else I've ever done in my whole life. If we, as stutterers, can stand up and face our fears in front of people, we can actually become role models for being able to face fear. "If he can do it, I can do it!" I've had many people come up to me and credit me with giving them the courage to face their fears - which most of the time have NOTHING to do with stuttering! To me, that's a great feeling! That's part of the "gift of stuttering" that so many stutterers talk about. I wouldn't trade places with anyone! Thanks again for you comments, Jeff. And welcome to the on-line conference. Don't be a stranger! Best regards, Russ Stutters Becoming Public Speakers From: Ed Phillips, Buckner,MO Date: 10/13/99 Time: 3:51:09 PM Remote Name: Comments I have to agree that a stutter is no different than any other individual, and if he sets his mind to it, he or she can become a public speaker, or any thing else they wish to be. In 1963 when I start First grade in school, The Kansas City Mo, school district had 5 speak therapist, and their boss. In five weeks, I, as a stutter went through all five therapist, each leaving the school in tears because not feeling that they could help me. The sixth week their boss, Mrs. Johnson met with me and told me that for the next five years it was her and I, she also told me that there was no one else in the district like me, I was that bad of a stutter. Years later I became interested in a religion that incourages its members to learn to speak publicily. I became determine to try my best to do so. I was convinced that if I really put effort into it, one day it would happen. And dispite the fact that most of those in authority felt that because of the stutter problem I would never be very good at it, Today I regularily give 45 minute biblical talks, every two to three months, to groups ranging in size of 50 to 250 people, and weekly teach others how to speak using Fluency, Sense stress, Modulation, and all the other facets of public speaking that that makes a good public speaker. Also today as far as being a stutter, I realize that I will always be one, and to talk to another person one to one, You can still hear a hint of that stutter. But from that platform, it is like a stutter singing, there is not sign of a speach problem. This is all because I never gave up on myself, and would not let others cause me give up. Yours truely Ed Phillips Re: Stutters Becoming Public Speakers From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/13/99 Time: 11:21:50 PM Remote Name: Comments Hi Ed, Good story! My only comment is that when I speak in public, I still stutter just like I always do. Admittedly I'm slightly more fluent up on stage than when I'm talking one-on-one (yeah, I know I'm weird), but I still stutter. The good news is that no one seems to care. I've won many public speaking awards in Toastmasters, but somehow I've learned to COMMUNICATE well enough that my lack of fluency is unimportant. It's a great feeling! Thanks for you comments, Ed. Good luck to you! Best regards, Russ SECD 560 STUTTERING COURSE From: KENYA JONES Date: 10/16/99 Time: 10:04:33 AM Remote Name: Comments YOUR PAPER WAS VERY INTERESTING. I AM A FLUENT SPEAKER. I AM ENROLLED IN A STUTTERING COURSE THIS SEMESTER. PUBLIC SPEAKING HAS NEVER BEEN A FEAR OF MINE, HOWEVER IF DOES MAKE ME VERY NERVOUS. ONE OF MY GREATEST FEARS IS HEIGHTS. I NEVER REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT BEFORE NOW, BUT IT MIGHT BE THE FEAR OF FALLING. THE ONLY THING I'VE EVER NOTICED IS THAT I GET VERY DIZZY. I REALLY LIKED THE STYLE OF YOUR PAPER. STORYTELLING ALWAYS KEEPS MY INTEREST. I DON'T HAVE ANY QUESTIONS BUT I DO WANT TO COMMEND YOU ON FACING YOUR CHALLENGE (STUTTERING). Re: SECD 560 STUTTERING COURSE From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/16/99 Time: 5:54:43 PM Remote Name: Comments Hi Kenya! Thanks for taking the time to comment on my paper. I, too, share your fear of heights. John Harrison (who also has a paper in this conference) and I had a conversation about bungee jumping several years ago, and that really puts this whole topic of fear in perspective! I just know I'd be dead before the cord tightened. Ooooo!!! Even Ferris wheels at carnivals I'm not too fond of! Snakes are another of my phobias. My ultimate worst nightmare is being chased off the edge of a tall building by a swarm of rattlesnakes! Aaaahhhh!!!!! I love to tell stories. My best successes in Toastmasters involve personal stories. I have a cousin who I grew up with named Roe. My middle name is Dee, and I've mentally written a book titled "The Adventures of Roe and Dee" which has provided me countless stories of growing up like Calvin and Hobbs. The amazing thing is that these stories are for most part TRUE! I've enhanced them (only slightly!) for the purposes of telling the stories in my Toastmaster speeches, but people come to me all the time asking me to tell them more Roe and Dee stories. They'll even listen to the same story many times, just like kids listen to popular Mother Goose stories over and over. People relate to stories, and I enjoy both telling and writing stories. I'm glad you enjoy them! Good luck in school and keep in touch! Best regards, Russ Public Speaking From: Jeff Shames Date: 10/16/99 Time: 10:24:35 PM Remote Name: Comments Hi Russ- Thank you for your excellent article. As I have told you before you have been an inspiration to me. I remember at the NSP Convention in Denver how helpful it was to see you deliver the speech with which you had won the Toastmasters Division Contest. That night at the banquet we spoke for a long time about the issue of public speaking and stuttering. I had then only recently joined a Toastmasters club. After four years in Toastmasters now I have learned to go with whatever is happening with my speech. Sometimes, for short periods, I am able to be fluent. More often my fluency comes and goes; I know not when. In general, I try not to force the issue, which makes my blocks more severe. Sometimes this is not possible. Several weeks ago I was the Toastmaster of the meeting. Since several of the speakers were giving advanced speeches, I felt it my duty to include in their introcution the objective of their speeches. (These are included for each manual speech.) It happened that much of the content of the objectives was vowel onset words, which are more difficult for me. I was stuttering a fair amount, and having rather hard blocks. I was tired, and just did the best I could. With all, it was a great meeting. Thanks, Russ. You are a hero of mine. Re: Public Speaking From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/19/99 Time: 4:45:12 PM Remote Name: Comments Hi Jeff, People like you are what make the NSA worthwhile for me and for everyone else. I'm amazed we have such a hard time getting across the concept of the "gift of stuttering" with people like you around. We would have never met if we both hadn't stuttered. Amazing, isn't it? Vowel sounds have always bothered me too. It's good not to be alone! :-) But you know, the amazing thing is that if you asked people in your audience if your stuttering bothered them during your introduction of the speakers (and reading the objectives of their speeches), they would have looked at you with a puzzled look and said something like "uh ... no ... did you stutter? Oh yeah, I guess maybe you did. But so what? You did a good job." People just don't care if we stutter - AS LONG AS WE COMMUNICATE WELL! Life is an interesting journey, isn't it? And I'm glad we're in the same boat! Take care, Russ Public Speaking From: Joseph Diaz-USA Date: 10/18/99 Time: 8:02:57 PM Remote Name: Comments Great story. Under your personal journey, you left out. Roomed with Joseph Diaz at least 9 NSP-NSA Conventions!!!!!!!! Re: Public Speaking From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/19/99 Time: 4:25:33 PM Remote Name: Comments Joseph, Indeed I did! And such an honor it was/is to room with a luminary such as yourself! :-) Here's to more conventions, roommate! Russ RE: Public Speaking For Stutters From: Seana L. Wade Date: 10/19/99 Time: 11:41:33 PM Remote Name: Comments Mr. Hicks, I would just like to say congratulations and to also say that I completely agree with what you said about communication being one of the most inportant aspects of people's lives. I am currently a graduate student in SLP at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. My main reason for getting into this field was so I could learn to help people communicate more effectively, because communication is so vital. I just wanted to Thank you for reemphasizing that point. Regardless if you are a fluent speaker or a stutter the KEY is to just communicate effectively!! RE: Public Speaking For Stutter(er)s From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/20/99 Time: 11:28:12 PM Remote Name: Comments Seana, Thank you for your kind words. You're very fortunate to be going to school at USA in Mobile. Steve Hood is absolutely the very best there is! And my friend Joe Klein is probably a classmate of yours. Please give both of them my very best regards if you see them. Good luck in your school and career, Seana, and I hope our paths cross some day! Take care, Russ Public Speaking From: Angele Jumonville Date: 10/21/99 Time: 10:05:40 PM Remote Name: Comments Congratulations Mr. Hicks on all of your success in life. I also think that you are an inspiration for persons who stutter and also for "fluent" speakers. I am a graduate student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, and I have seen many people, including myself at times, who are afraid of facing their fears. It sounds like you have come a long way throughout your life and learned a lot. I hope that we can all understand and learn from all that you have experienced. Re: Public Speaking From: Russ Hicks Date: 10/21/99 Time: 11:11:01 PM Remote Name: Comments Hello Angele, Thanks for your kind words. One of the things I've learned is that you don't have to be brave to jump off a cliff. Sometimes it just takes the right person standing behind you to give you a push at the right time. I've been very fortunate to have some good people standing behind me at critical times in my life. The amazing thing is to actually ENJOY doing things that used to scare the daylights out of you. That's what happened to me in public speaking and Toastmasters. I enjoy the heck out of it now! And no one is more amazed at that than me! Good luck in your career, Angele. You had a great start at USA Mobile. Steve Hood is the best there is. Best regards, Russ