ISAD online conference 1998 - a report -- by
Judy Kuster (Minnesota, USA)

Thank you for your interest and participation in the Second 
International Stuttering Awareness Online Conference. The 
conference officially ended October 22, 1999. The papers and what is 
on the threaded discussions will remain at this address and you are 
welcome to read and/or copy them. The papers will be permanently 
archived on the Stuttering Home Page. However, the presenters have 
concluded their responsibilities for checking and answering any 
questions posted, so will not be responding here anymore. The 
presenter of this paper has consented to have a personal email 
address posted here if you wish raise further questions and/or 
comments. Contact Judy Kuster at


From: harry krampf
Date: 10/1/99
Time: 11:22:54 AM
Remote Name:


I have taken some time this morning to read a number of the papers. 
Even as an outsider, I found the papers to be very interesting. 
Perhaps more importantly, the online conference itself is a fantastic 
medium. Congratualtions and thanks for the invitation to review 
your conference.

Conference Planning

From: Cheryl Samuels
Date: 10/1/99
Time: 1:38:17 PM
Remote Name:


What a tremendous way to conference and interact with folks around 
the world. Your contributions, Judy, to your profession and clients 
are truely exceptional!!

A great experience

From: Harsha Kathard
Date: 10/4/99
Time: 8:41:39 AM
Remote Name:


Dear Judy 

Thank you for coordinating this initiative-it is really very interesting 
to read and to communicate with the writers about relevant issues. I 
read your review ofthe last conference and found it really interesting 
that so many south africans participated. 

The conference provides for great learning experiences for students. 
Congratulations once again 


harsha kathard

Superhuman effort

From: Mike Hughes
Date: 10/5/99
Time: 3:41:41 PM
Remote Name:



Before, during, and after ISAD'98, I marvelled at the time, effort, and 
expertise you dedicated to the Online Conference. I have frequently 
thought back upon your ISAD'98 efforts during this past year. Now 
that I've had the opportunity to read more about what went on 
behind the scenes, I am even more impressed. Your dedication, 
fairness, and willingness to learn whatever was necessary to get the 
job done have been marvelous examples to us all. 

I hope that this year's conference was a bit easier, now that you've 
laid the groundwork and had prior experience. I agree, there should 
be one chief to organize the indians, but cannot imagine someone 
devoting the necessary hours to it more than two years in a row. 
However, how does the stuttering community find someone with 
your dedication, fairness, and expertise to take over the task? Judy, 
it's almost as though you've got a tiger by the tail, and can't let go. 
From the heart -- thank you, sincerely, for your enormous 
superhuman effort!

Ooooh my goodness

From: Gina Waggott
Date: 10/7/99
Time: 10:06:09 AM
Remote Name:


Hi Judy 

My goodness - what a LOT of effort you put into this! I had an idea 
about how stressful it must be to present such a conference, but your 
stress levels must've hit the roof! 

I profess a deep admiration for your dedication and professionalism! 
Perhaps I should come to Mankato for next year's conference, and 
see how quickly it stresses me out and turns my hair grey.....;-) 

Good for ya! Give yourself a huge pat on the back! 

-Gina :-) 


From: Gunars K. Neiders
Date: 10/8/99
Time: 7:02:42 PM
Remote Name:



I have learned much from both of the conferences 1998 and 1999. 
Keep up the good work. 


Re: Thanks

From: Judy Kuster
Date: 10/10/99
Time: 4:57:30 PM
Remote Name:


The six comments above reflect why I am so excited about this 
project -- it reflects a mix of professionals and consumers who are 
interested in learning from and with each other, AND those who 
posted even in response to this one paper truly represent a world-
wide community - Africa, Canada, UK, US. Thank you all for your 
kind comments - but it is yours and others' participation that makes 
all of this work! 


Congratulations and thank you

From: Salena
Date: 10/9/99
Time: 9:14:22 PM
Remote Name:


Congratulations on such an achievment,you have done a wonderful 
job with this conference! Thank you for encouraging others to get 
involved in this medium and inspiring others with your enthusiasm 
for the Stuttering Home Page and this conference. Thank you! Salena

Re: Congratulations and thank you

From: Judy Kuster
Date: 10/10/99
Time: 5:05:36 PM
Remote Name:


Thanks, Salena. I'm pleased that you and other students are 
participating in this conference, and as I view your access to and 
interaction with several of the "presenters," think what it could have 
been like if I had had such access during my own training -- to folks 
like Van Riper, Sheehan, Johnson, Williams, Boberg, Luper, and so 
many others. 


Just Thanks

From: Bernie Weiner (
Date: 10/16/99
Time: 1:57:54 PM
Remote Name:


Judy, Thanks for all you have done for the people who stutter. I still 
don't know where you find all the time to do this stuff. I just hope 
that you know how much you are appreciated. For computer 
illiterates such as myself, this thing is still mind boggling. The 
various topics discussed on this conference are simply amazing.

Great Work

From: Lieven Grommen
Date: 10/18/99
Time: 5:11:45 AM
Remote Name:


I've read the above thankings and I only can add my own. More than 
just practically organising the conference you seem to inspire all 
those people from your personal conviction. It's just wonderful. 
Thanks and best wishes for good health and happiness. Lieven.

On-line conference

From: Mary Ahlers SLP
Date: 10/20/99
Time: 10:10:24 AM
Remote Name:


Hi, Judy! 

After reading your article I can only say "WOW"! 

This has been a wonderful experience, and I cannot thank you 
enough for all your hard work. This on-line conference: 1) is a great 
opportunity to earn graduate credit (without ANY driving)and 2) 
affords the participants with fantastic information. 

I must admit, I was nervous about taking on this venture, but have 
found it very easy and practical. 

Thanks again...and, please continue. Your efforts are very much 


From: Janet Hartman
Date: 10/21/99
Time: 10:25:01 AM
Remote Name:


Why do I feel more adequate when responding to a paper written on 
how this online conference was set-up and the technology used, than 
on articles written on current stuttering topics/research? Because I 
am more knowledgeable. Unfortunately I have spent more time and 
effort learning how to use a computer than keeping up on current 
literature and stuttering treatment. Thank-you for putting together 
this conference. Although a lot of work and stress for you, the 
opportunity to read articles from presenters across the world, is 
indeed enlightening as well as informative. This format allows those 
of us who can always find excuses on why we canŐt get to a class, or 
donŐt have the time, no excuse. I am most appreciative of your 

1998 ISAD

From: Celeste Ruebl
Date: 10/22/99
Time: 3:38:08 PM
Remote Name:


Judy, Congratulations on another excellently done online conference! 
I tried to take part last year but wasn't able to. I was really happy to 
be able to do so this year. Thank you for still keeping last year's 
papers available. I really appreciate the depth of articles. Still, many 
of my fellow SLP's were unaware of your conference but I've tried to 
spread the word. Thanks again for all the hard work you've done to 
put this together. I hope it continues to be an annual event! 

THANKS to all of you!

From: Judy Kuster
Date: 10/22/99
Time: 7:09:06 PM
Remote Name:


Thank you all for your kind comments and encouragement. Last year 
I wasn't ready to think about another online conference at this point, 
but this year am already planning what to do for ISAD2000. Hope 
you all will participate again. Knowing this can make some small 
differences in connecting folks and providing good information 
makes it worth the effort. I appreciate your participation! 
