International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference, 2000


Judith Maginnis Kuster, chair of the Online Conference

ISAD 2000 announcement brochure

International Stuttering Awareness Day chaired by Michael Sugarman , recognizes the growing alliance between speech-language professionals and consumers, who are learning from each other and working together to share, give support, and educate one another and the general public on the impact that stuttering has on individuals' lives. Welcome to the third International Online Conference on Stuttering .

This year's conference is focused on the issues of children who stutter. It is designed for them, their parents and teachers, the professionals who work with them, students in training and their instructors. Thank you for your participation.

Beginning October 1 there are 3 panels, 25 invited papers and 8 poster sessions of research updates linked below for you to read at your leisure. There is also a section - "The Professor is In" - where you can ask questions of several professionals and a special section where another group of experts, children and teens who stutter, can post appropriate messages. The contributions in this conference reflect professional and consumer interests about stuttering and are presented by over 65 individuals representing 13 different countries on 6 different continents. Each paper also has a threaded discussion page for your comments and questions. By October 22, 2000, International Stuttering Awareness Day , the authors of the papers will respond as they wish. Feel free to post your questions/comments at any time and check back on International Stuttering Awareness Day for any response from the author. Contributors to the conference are solely responsible for the information they provide. We cannot be responsible for nor can we attest to the accuracy or efficacy of the information others provide. The authors' papers will be permanently archived on the Stuttering Home Page for you to read at any time. (

Instructions - please read! The papers are linked to the button in the square to the left. After you have opened the paper, the box around the button will turn green to remind you that you've already opened that paper. The questions/comments page may be accessed at the top or bottom of each paper, or from the link after the title of the paper in the index. Please read the instructions on how to post questions at the top of each of the question/comments pages . For those who want to test out a threaded discussion before posting or commenting, I have made a testing out threaded discussions page. [No longer available]

Please ask questions that are relevant to the papers and refrain from developing a personal topic. It is expected that participants will remain cordial. The coordinator of the conference retains the right to delete posts considered inappropriate.

Office Hours — the experts

There are two sets of experts in this section. Several university professors have agreed to serve as a panel to answer appropriately-posed questions about stuttering. Also, children and teens who stutter are invited to share information from their perspective. These are especially good opportunities for parents and children who stutter to learn from the "experts" and for professionals and other adults to learn from another set of "experts" on stuttering

Office Hours: The Professor Is In , featuring Steve Hood, Joe Kalinowski, Walt Manning, Larry Molt, Bob Quesal, Nan Ratner, Woody Starkweather, Ken St. Louis, Dale Williams, and Scott Yaruss.

If I could tell you ONE thing. Three bulletin boards are designed for kids and teens to leave appropriate messages that will help other people understand about stuttering. This is designed for kids and teens to take an active role in the online conference. Please encourage them! access to bulletin boards [not available]

Panel Discussions

This section contains an open panel discussion and 2-4 page papers by several authors about four different topic areas. Questions/comments may be directed to any individual or to the entire group.

Children's Books about Stuttering , featuring Gail Wilson Lew (California USA), Ellen-Marie Silverman (Wisconsin, USA), Eelco de Geus (Netherlands), Ulrich Natke (Germany).

The Real World of Jobs by Karen Lewis (Ohio, USA), Gunars Neiders (Washington, USA), Lee Reeves (Texas, USA), Louis Roden (Georgia, USA), David Steiner (New York, USA), and Ann Van Der Berg (South Africa)

Organizations' Outreach to Children and Teens Who Stutter by Anita Blom (Sveriges Stamningsföreningars Riksförbund, SSR), Lee Caggiano (FRIENDS), Jane Fraser (Stuttering Foundation of America), Nina Reardon (National Stuttering Association), and Rachel Fortin (L'Association des jeunes bègues du Québec - AJBQ)

Invited Papers

This section contains papers members of the professional community and also by consumers from around the world. The papers focus on a variety of topics of interest to the presenters.

Parents as Partners in Young Children's Stuttering Treatment by Ann C. Cordes Bothe (Georgia, USA)

Journal Writing for Children Who Stutter by Judy Butler and Jackie Biagini (Massachuetts, USA)

Perspectives Regarding the Clinical Utility of a Speech Motor Perspective on Childhood Stuttering by Tony Caruso (Ohio, USA),

Virtual clients and real clinicians: Increasing Opportunities for Clinical Training in Fluency by Tony Caruso (Ohio, USA),

Lessons from Within the Stuttering Community:  Perspective of a Teenager and his Parent by Jay Castleberry and Susan Short Castleberry, (Illinois, USA)

Intensive Group Therapy for 15 -18 year old young adults by Frances Cook and Jane Fry (UK)

School-Based Strategies for Working with Children Who Stutter: A Positive Team Approach . by Crystal Cooper (Florida, USA)

Stuggling And Juttering by Joe Donaher (Pennsylvania, USA)

Stuttering and James Griffin by James Griffin (Melbourne, Australia)

Multicultural Considerations in the Treatment of Stuttering by Fred Hall (Massachusetts, USA)

Germany's Bus Tour by Sara Hoelscher (Germany). This paper is also available in German.

Childhood: the pain of stuttering by Mike Hughes (Canada)

Stuttering Camp in Japan by Masuhiko Kawasaki (Japan)

The Stuttering Information Center Of Denmark by Per Knudsen and Tine Egebjerg (Denmark)

A Picture Is Worth One Thousand Words by Judy Kuster (Minnesota, USA), Anders Lundberg (Sweden), Adriana DiGrande (Massachusetts, USA) and Lori Andrews (California, USA)

What Parents Can Do For Your Child When He Is Being Teased For Stuttering by Gail Wilson Lew

Speech Pathologists Can Help Children Who Are Teased Because They Stutter by Bill Murphy (Indiana, USA)

Working With Kids who Stutter in After-School and Summer Camp Groups , by Julie Sable (Tennessee, USA)

Using the Internet with Children Who Stutter by Lynne Shields (Missouri, USA)

Stuttering and Concomitant Reading Problems by Pete Smith (Michigan, USA)

Talking to Parents about Stuttering by Woody Starkweather (Pennsylvania, USA)

Use of Helpful Counseling Techniques for Fluency Therapy by Michael Sugarman (California, USA) and J. Scott Yaruss (Pennsylvania, USA)

When all you need is a miracle, one of these will do: Role models, not fluency pills by Gina Waggott (United Kingdom)

The Match of a Lifetime: A Parable by Dale F. Williams (Florida, USA)

Providing Information About Stuttering to Families Using the Internet by Tony Wray (Canada)

Poster Session: Research Updates

This section contains papers describing some ongoing research projects of the professional community from around the world. The papers focus on a variety of topics of interest to the presenters.

Early Identification of Stuttering Risk Level: A Brazilian Protocol Proposal by Claudia Regina Furquim de Andrade (Brazil)

The Link Between ADHD and Stuttering: A Closer Look by Charles Healey and Robert Reid (Nebraska, USA)

Icelandic Teachers' Attitudes towards Stuttering and Classroom Decision Making by Louise Heite (Iceland)

Children who stutter and the "therapy paradox": If every therapy works, then no therapy works. by Joseph Kalinowski, Vikram N Dayalu and Tim Saltuklaroglu (North Carolina, USA)

Identification Of Stuttering In Preschool Children: a multifactorial longitudinal study in development by Hans Maansson (Denmark)

Interactions between fluency and language by Nan Bernstein Ratner (Maryland, USA)

¿Cómo nos comportamos delante del tartamudo? by Pedro R. Rodríguez C. (Venezuela). (Note: This paper is available only in Spanish. For those who don't read Spanish, you can get a pretty good translation from the Google Translation Service. Remember tartamudo means stutterer.

The Public Environment Where Attitudes Develop: Stuttering Versus Mental Illness And Intelligence by Kenneth O. St. Louis, James D. Schiffbauer, Carolyn I. Phillips, Andrea B. Sedlock, Lisa J. Hriblan, and Rebecca M. Dayton (West Virginia, USA)

Thank you for your participation. Your comments about the conference are also welcome .


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last updated August 15, 2019