About the presenter: Douglas Cross is an Associate Professor at Ithaca College. He received his Ph.D. in Speech Science/Speech Pathology from the University of Tennessee in 1978. His primary professional interests are in fluency and fluency disorders with emphasis on the neuropsychology of human performance and treatment of stuttering. Dr. Cross' stuttering treatment program, A Systems Approach to Stuttering Treatment (SAST) integrates fluid movement, emotion, thought, and the psychology of performance in shaping effective communication. Present activities include (1) continuum-based scaling methods for assessing communication fluidity and communication naturalness, and (2) developing computer generated animation programs that facilitate understanding and shaping of fluid movement and communication pace. | |
This paper discusses two frameworks and
their vocabularies used to
describe, measure, and treat fluency disorders. The first, which I refer to as a segmental framework of
fluency, is more widely known of two. The second, what I call
"communication fluidity", is based on a systems framework. Most of
the concepts of communication fluidity are key elements presented in "A Systems Approach to Stuttering
Treatment (SAST) [1] Obviously,
this is a complex and often controversial issue and I beg the patience (and
forgiveness I'm sure) of readers who find some comments clinically or
scientifically over simplified.
concepts in this paper are original.
Specifically, I see the systems approach to therapy as a tapestry, woven
from the ideas, successes, failures, and experiences of colleagues, clients,
students, and friends. I only
present a vision of how the threads interweave to create a final image. Special
acknowledgment is given to the work and memory of Dean Williams. His concept of
"easy talking", combined with his artistry as a shaper of natural
speech continues to impact development of the systems approach to treatment and
a common sense approach to talking. I
begin each undergraduate and graduate course (anatomy and physiology, speech
science, diagnostics, and fluency) by asking students to describe in their own
words, "talking". I do
the same with clients during initial diagnostic or treatment sessions. After
twenty-eight years as a clinician/teacher (a speech scientist piece falls in
there somewhere) responses are remarkably similar. Lay persons and a surprising
number of speech-language pathologists rely on a language-based vocabulary to
describe how we talk. Most often, talking is described as sequencing sounds,
syllables, words, phrases, and sentences together. When then asked to describe
"fluency", responses are similar. "Getting words out
smoothly" and "when speaking without any hesitations, interjections,
repetitions or blocks" are common. Such descriptions of talking and fluency
are natural outgrowths of the way we process information. We organize and
perceive thought using a segmentally-based language code. That is, we hear
others and ourselves (self-talk) as strings of meaningful sounds, syllables,
words, phrases, etc. Our brains perceive these segments categorically, where
each segment is meaningfully different from other segments. Unless educated
otherwise, one would perceive and describe variations in dynamic processes of
speech, such as articulation and fluency (to name just two), as behaviors that
occur ON the units attempted. From
this point of view fluency and disfluency become categorical opposites. Sounds, syllables, or words are
perceived as being spoken either fluently or disfluently. The important implication here is that
this framework relies on a segmentally based linguistic vocabulary to
describe (and measure) complex, dynamic processes of continuous speech. Children are
particularly creative at this, describing their fluency problems as encounters
with invisible demons in their mouths, or insurmountable obstructions holding
their words hostage. The two theoretically and clinically significant themes of
this framework are that (1) the
problem is perceived as occurring on sounds or words and (2), the speaker is perceived as a passive
recipient of words and whether they "come out" fluently or stuttered.
In essence, speakers become helpless to do what they believe they should already know how to do - talk. A
categorical framework of fluency and fluency disorders can be appealing to the
clinician, in part, because of its theoretical and measurement simplicity. Utterances are broken down into finite
sets of linguistic segments (e.g. sounds, syllables, words, and phrases). Each
segment is then categorized and counted as fluent or disfluent based on a
predetermined set or criteria. In
essence, description, assessment,
and quantification of complex dynamic processes are confined to binary,
"yes", and "no" type decisions. This becomes problematic and controversial with lack of
consensus over relevant criteria for disfluency types, what constitutes normal
versus stuttered disfluencies, and so on. Does
a categorical approach sacrifice understanding and shaping natural
communication attitudes, perceptions and behaviors for measurement simplicity?
Folkins and Bleile (1990) present a compelling argument in this regard,
presenting how phonetic and phonological taxonomies often have little basis in
actual production processes. Let's consider the impact on goals of therapy and
assessment of long-term successful talking. When clients are asked to describe
their treatment goals and expectations from therapy the answer is inevitably
some variation of, "to talk without stuttering". I believe
reinforcing this thinking forces the client into what I call subtractive criteria for successful talking. That is, successful talking is fluency
and fluency is talking without stuttering. Regardless of whether assessment is
based on counts of words stuttered or words fluent, the result is the same.
Moments of disfluency and stuttering are the focus of attention and become the
basis of talking success or failure. A
fluency/stuttering dichotomy is inconsistent with what we know about the
natural function of the communication processes. For some, stutter-free speech might be an unrealistic goal
given their potential predisposition and sensitivity to speech disruption, at
least for that time in their lives. Stutter-free methodologies, no matter how
effective on a moment-by-moment basis, often come to be perceived as
"techniques" designed to prevent or escape the experience of
stuttering. Reoccurring bouts with
stuttering (and we know this often DOES happen) can be perceived as failure of
the "technique" resulting in an exasperated and sometimes emotionally distraught client. This is particularly important for the
young child experiencing bouts of speech disfluency. Sporadic episodes of
speech disruption, if interpreted as speech failure can actually reinforce some
degree of stuttering anticipation and anxiety in some clients. Emotional
arousal, anticipation, fear, reduced fine movement coordination, speeding, and
tensing are all normal and often instinctive responses to the perception of performance failure. These responses are not
unique to stuttering but are fundamental properties of human action. To deny the role of these components in the
description, development and shaping of effective communication is to deny the
reality of human behavior and performance. Systems, Communication, and Fluidity Evidence
in the cognitive psychology and human performance literature repeatedly
demonstrates that focusing attention on negative behavior and/or outcomes
inhibits effective organization and performance. This is compounded under
conditions of performance stress and can lead to a spiraling effect of negative
imagery, emotion, and behavior.
Most everyone has experienced this in one form or another during
performance based activities such as golf, acting, gymnastics, dancing, and so
forth. But the opposite is also
true. Focusing attention on and developing visual imagery of positive behaviors
and outcomes can significantly enhance performance. It is reasonable to assert
the importance of developing a common framework and vocabulary for
understanding and enhancing natural communication processes. The treatment
process should demystify talking, stuttering and all that goes with it. When
stuttering is presented and understood within a framework of natural
communication processes the mysteries, fears, and struggles of talking begin to
subside. The client focuses not on
the negative aspect of stuttering, but builds on the positive foundation,
imagery and behavior of talking.
Management of disfluent speech is viewed as successful variation back
to more fluid speech rather than
variation out of a stutter. The talker should always be moving toward something
positive (feeling of easy talking)
rather than out of something negative (stuttering). I
view a systems approach to understanding, analyzing, and shaping communication
behavior as a ground-up process.
Almost any action, whether mechanical (e.g. a pocket watch) or human
(e.g. running, playing tennis, taking an exam, or talking) is based on
interaction of multiple parts. Variation, normal or atypical, in any one or
combination of parts has a natural
and often predictable influence
on the system and its output. A pocket watch, for example, is a myriad of
gears, springs, nuts bolts, and hands. Each must function effectively as well
as interact with the other parts to produce a desired behavior. Unstable gear
attachment might then be perceived symptomatically as inconsistent and jerky
hand movements. The jerky hand movements are merely overt symptoms of
inconsistent gear behavior. Treating the symptom, perhaps by tightening the
hands, might produce short-term reduction in jerky movement. But it would have
little or no influence on long-term effectiveness of the watch function. We
can apply the same concept to human behavior, whether running, playing golf,
taking an exam or talking. Voluntary human behavior involves interaction of
thought, arousal, language, and movement at each moment in time. These
interactions are dynamic,
changing with the physical, psychological, and emotional conditions at hand.
Inconsistent or inappropriate function of any one or combination of components
has a reasonably predictable influence on our actions. Clearly, some individuals are inherently
more sensitive to intermittent disruption in the organization and coordination
of ongoing speech. Environmental, developmental, and learned conditions can
trigger disruption at a particular moment in time. The specific sensitivity to
disruption varies across individuals and can be influenced by cognition,
language, motor organization, neural transmission, structural movement, and
emotional arousal. A
systems framework describes developmental stuttering as a natural
(albeit unfortunate) response pattern to intermittent and involuntary
disruption in both the forward communication of a message and speech movement
over time. One does not HAVE
stuttering as one might have a disease, nor does stuttering occur on sounds,
syllables, or words. An individual might be predisposed to intermittent
breakdown in speech organization that, in turn, triggers normal, albeit
problematic, psychological, emotional, and behavioral responses from the
system. The original disruptions, combined with the normal adjustment strategies that stem from them, reduce
the natural fluidity of speech and the perceived inability to finish an
utterance. This framework uses a vocabulary that functionally describes both the natural and
atypical function of our communication system. The clinician helps demystify stuttering by understanding how thoughts, emotions,
and adjustments are natural responses to intermittent disruptions in forward
flow of the intended message and the fluid movements of speech. From this
understanding, clients explore and evaluate their own experiences with talking
and whether what they do to help themselves talk is consistent with natural
communication. Attention is drawn
away from counting fluent and disfluent words (segments) as criteria for
success and failure. Instead, focus is placed on using the communication system
in the most natural and effective way possible given any inherent limitations in
their system and the demands of the communication task at hand. The core
components addressed and measured in the SAST program include interaction of 1)
thoughts (including attitudes, perceptions, and self-talk) 2) language, 3)
arousal, 5) fluid speech
movement, and 5) adjustment strategies (both voluntary and involuntary). The
specific emphasis and goals of treatment are easily modified to meet a client's
individual profile, development, and needs. Perhaps
we should replace the concept and vocabulary of "fluency" with
communication "fluidity". Some might say this is merely semantics,
but I don’t think so. As described in the first section of this paper,
traditional definitions and measurement of fluency are categorical or event
based. I view speech
"fluidity" as an action-time oriented concept. Fluidity
describes perception of the rhythm, smoothness, and blending of complex
movements across time. It transcends segmental boundaries. Fluidity is not
unique to speech production but describes the perception of coordinated action
of all forms, like walking, running, swimming, throwing a ball, playing the
violin, or talking. One only needs to observe and/or feel the graceful flow of
the accomplished dancer, the seemingly effortless golf swing, and the
mesmerizing flow of fingers across a piano keyboard to understand fluidity.
Fluid speech is no more confined to the sequence of individual segments of
utterances than the quality of a piano performance is confined to the sequence
of individual notes. Assessing
and shaping communication fluidity is not always easy. It requires that the clinician
and client develop a common vocabulary that accurately describes the client's
perception of fluid and nonfluid movement, movement disruptions and how they
change across time. Starkweather (1987) discusses concepts such as continuity,
rate, effort, and rhythm of word sequences as fundamental to speech fluency.
Wingate (2002) presents an excellent case from the literature and speech
analysis that fluency is much more than the "flow of words".
Continued efforts are needed to establish a clinically based vocabulary for
describing and measuring patterns of communication naturalness, effectiveness,
and fluidity. Such a base vocabulary should 1) accurately reflect fundamental
parameters of movement fluidity, 2) be functionally applicable across speech
and non-speech movement examples, 3) be measurable, and 4) be compliant enough
to vary across the different experiences and age group of the client. Vocabulary of Communication Fluidity Description, measurement, and shaping communication
naturalness and fluidity in the SAST program are presently based on three
interactive elements. These elements are used to describe what someone is
doing, thinking and feeling at any moment in time to facilitate or inhibit
natural communication (I can hear
Dean Williams talking now!). These elements are not absolutes, but should be
viewed as starting points for suggestion and variation. They should be
flexible, varied to meet the needs of each client based on age, experiences,
and vocabulary. I have found that
having client's themselves establish specific terminology for the perceptions
they experience is particularly helpful. They draw from their own experiences
to understand the concepts of fluid talking. The three elements include 1)
phases of movement, 2) parameters of movement and 3) communication pace and are
briefly outlined below. Phases of Movement: Phases of movement are used to depict any portion
of a movement as a function of time. This provides a temporal reference to the
behavioral descriptors. The client and clinician observe, evaluate, and shape
specific behavioral features of speech movement across the phases of the
utterance. The phases presently used are the (1) pre-onset phase (before movement begins), (2) onset phase (beginning a
movement), (3) continuous phase (between onset and offset of a
movement), (4) offset phase (ending a movement), and (5) post-offset phase (after a movement has ended). The offset phase becomes
the onset phase for combined complex movements, such as ongoing speech. During
therapy, the phases are blended together into a single ongoing flow of speech. Characteristics of Movement: Characteristics of movement are the specific
physical, kinematic, and temporal descriptors of movement. This program
presently focuses on movement (1) sequence, (2) speed, (3) abruptness, (4)
pushing, (5) blending, and (6) rhythm. Communication Pace. Communication Pace is a term I use to describe how we perceive and
react to the passage of time, that is, how rapidly or slowly time is passing at
a given moment. Pace incorporates the physical characteristics of movement
speed and rhythm with the perceptual flow of interaction between speakers and
listeners. The latter is
often characterized by location and length of pauses both within and between
speaker/listener groups. Pace is a primary contributor to our perceptions of
relaxation and time pressure and is critical to effective behavior control
under conditions of performance demand and communication stress. I have found that clients, both
children and adults react very favorably to the concept of pace. Visual imagery
and non-speech movement activities are very helpful in teaching and training
clients to perceive and alter their "pace". Measurement Any
treatment protocol must be able to accurately assess communication
effectiveness and consistency across time. Measurement protocols for communication disorders
should reflect the multidimensional characteristics of our communication system
(thoughts, arousal, speech and non-speech behavior, etc.). Continuum based
psychometric scaling tools are particularly useful in this regard. With minimal training, clients of all
ages are able to accurately and consistently self-assess self-talk,
anticipation, levels of arousal, pace, and characteristics of movement. Several
measurement protocols, including a multidimensional individualized
communication profile, have been developed for this purpose. Work continues in
this area. References Cross, D.E. A Systems
Approach to Stuttering Treatment (SAST). 3rd ed. Ithaca
College, 2002. Folkins, J. W. and Bleile,
K.M. (1990). Taxonomies in Biology, Phonetics, Phonology, and Speech Motor
Control. JSHD, 55, 596-611. Starkweather, C.W. Fluency and Stuttering NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1987. Wingate, M.E. Foundations
of Stuttering. San Diego, Ca.:
Academic Press, 2002.Speech "Fluency": A
Categorical/Segmental Approach
The Essence of Movement
[1] A Systems Approach to Stuttering Treatment (SAST) is a manuscript printed by Ithaca College. The original version was printed in 1996 with revisions in 1999, 2002, and 2003.
August 27, 2003