Advertising Your Stutter

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"Advertising Your Stutter"

From: Sarah Bos, Minn. State University Student
Date: 10/1/03
Time: 8:32:43 PM
Remote Name:


Greetings everyone, Thank you to all of the presentors who shared such inspiring stories. I can see what a long journey it can be to get to the point where you can be so much more comfortable and open about your speech.

I gained a lot from reading Russ Hick's story about "Balance." I got that sense that he is comfortable and open about his speech in many situations, even with out "advertising" it, or discussing it with the new people that he meets.

I was curious to learn how the other presentors feel about their speech with out discussing it first with the new people they meet? Do you feel less comfortable?

Congratulations on your success,and thank you for sharing such meaningful experiences with so many of us that can learn from them!

Sarah Bos

Last changed: September 12, 2005