Advertising Your Stutter

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From: Brent Raymond
Date: 10/2/03
Time: 9:18:08 AM
Remote Name:


I didn't realize 'advertising' was such a large issue. Over the years, I have come to advertise myself in different situation: job interviews, classes, students. One of my favorite times was when I was student teaching in a first grade classroom, responses from the students were great: "you stutter? I didn't know that" (HA!), "I have a friend who has a brother who sometimes stutters", "It's OK Mr. Raymond, everyone has something they do." The main point is, not only did they feel more comfortable, so did I. I also taught for almost 4 years at a school for young boys with behavioral difficulties. Talk about an easy target. However, once they saw I wasn't going to run away and was willing to share some of myself with them, they began to open up with me. If you have not tried to "through it out there" to your audience, I urge you to give it a shot; it's not like they wont know. BR Boston, MA

Last changed: September 12, 2005