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From: Alan Badmington
Date: 10/6/03
Time: 5:39:02 PM
Remote Name:
Hi Claude,
Thank you for your kind comments!
It is sometimes difficult to break free of our comfort zones. I appeared to gain momentum after I had taken the initial step(s). Each success generated greater confidence and encouraged me to attempt even more challenging things.
I am sure that you will venture into pastures new when the time is right - if that is, in fact, the path you wish to tread. It has to be a personal choice.
I was interested to read your statement that you will possess greater energy to attempt expansion when you retire. Whilst I agree, I should make the point that you will also lose many opportunities (to expand your comfort zones) that are enjoyed by an employed person. You may well lose regular daily contact with others and need (as I have done) to actively seek expansion in other areas.
I wish you every future success - whatever you decide.
Kindest regards