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From: Judy Butler
Date: 10/7/03
Time: 1:01:03 PM
Remote Name:
Hi Alan,
Thank you for this article. I look forward to sharing it with others. And, let me commend you on how skillfully you manage the SC list. I didn't know it was the largest "in the world!"
Question 1. When you first began to expand your comfort zones, and even now, what were you thinking about your speech? You said on page 3 that you acquired new tools to overcome speech blocks and feared words. Did you think about the familiar easy onset, stretching words, pausing, voluntary stuttering, rate control, etc? When you stuttered on a word, what exactly did you do about it, if anything? While you were exposing/accepting yourself as a PWS in a public way, were you still concerned about fluency?
Question 2. What are your thoughts on when it is time to expand comfort zones. I tried this with a young man who is very special to me, but I was not aware that the timing was wrong and the activities may have been too demanding. The process backfired. He was not ready. How was it that 3 years ago it seemed to be the time for you? When is it time?
Thank you for your reply and also your help on SC.
Judy :)