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From: Marija
Date: 10/9/03
Time: 2:05:36 PM
Remote Name:
Well, Alan, it has been really loud at your corner of the Conference! So many people are in here! I must yell for you to hear me! I think you are very brave! I admire your courage and banging upon tables with your fists and initiating changes in every step you take! See I believe I will come to that point and I'm not there yet - at least concerning my speech - but I appreciate to see the steps in the snow that I should follow! I'd like to tell you about one of my changes! When I meet a neighbor on a staircase or a customer comes in at my place of work, I don't whisper "hello" with a shy face but I smile from ear to ear and I yell as I am yelling right now: HELOOOOO!!!" Please don't arrest me for this public disturbance! :o)))) And thank you for your encouraging and positive paper!