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From: Alan Badmington
Date: 10/10/03
Time: 3:41:02 AM
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Hi Blanche,
Yes, I suppose we could think of 'expanding comfort zones' as a kind of self-therapy. It is something that we all need to do in order to attain personal growth. (This, of course, applies to everyone, not just persons who stutter).
In my own particular case, I learned new techniques to overcome the speech block and 'feared' words. These were initially taught to me in a safe environment, where I demonstrated that I could use them well.
If I had not chosen to test them out in more challenging situations, I would still have had the fears and negative emotions associated with speaking outside the therapy room.
I was not content to speak well in only familiar environments. I wanted to take my new freedom out into the real world and live a more fulfilling, rewarding, interesting and expansive existence.
That's exactly what I did!
Kindest regards