Expanding Your Comfort Zone

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Re: Two Questions

From: Alan Badmington
Date: 10/10/03
Time: 4:17:55 AM
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Hi Vasu,

Thank you for your encouraging comments. I am delighted that my paper has inspired you to rekindle your desire to lead a more challenging life.

You ask about the steps that I took to develop my interpersonal skills. I suppose that, being a former police officer, I was fortunate in this respect. Although I stuttered throughout my police career (and I had serious problems), the very nature of the job compelled me to deal with members of the public.

You may have read elsewhere in my responses that I wore a small mechanical device (the Edinburgh Masker - now obsolete) for 20 years. Although I still stuttered, it gave me the confidence to venture into situations that most PWS might have avoided. I feel that I, therefore, gained interpersonal skills that many PWS are denied.

The principal reason that I have attended so many seminars during recent times is that I just adore interacting with people. If they are complete strangers, then I find it even more challenging and rewarding.

The courses/seminars have been parochial in nature - provided by local authorities, education bodies or private individuals. Apart from the latter, the events have not been too expensive.

They have embraced the following aspects:

Public and impromptu speaking; presentational skills; communication skills (including the very important art of listening - I was a poor listener because when someone else was addressing me, I would concentrate on my response); interviewing techniques; small talk; assertiveness; self-esteem; confidence building; positive thinking; affirmations; NLP etc etc.

I have also acquired an extensive library of books on most of these subjects, although there is no substitute for meeting people face to face.

I believe that because I have expanded in other areas of my life (and not just concentrated upon the mechanics of my speech), my stutter has improved as a byproduct of those activities.

I am currently putting together a package of thoughts about the above subjects (and other psychological aspects of stuttering), which I shall share with a group of other PWS in the UK next month.

I'm sorry but I must rush - I'm commencing yet another 12 weeks assertiveness course in a couple of hours;-)

May I wish you every success.

Kindest regards

Alan Badmington

Last changed: September 12, 2005