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From: Alan Badmington
Date: 10/21/03
Time: 4:23:46 PM
Remote Name:
Hi Kara,
Thank you for contributing.
I think it would help if your future clients were made aware of the importance of placing themselves into more challenging speaking situations.
They would also benefit from a greater understanding of avoidance and word substitution. Every time we avoid a word or situation, the fear levels in respect of those words/situations increase.
Three years ago, I made a pact with myself that I would never again resort to avoidance and I have been true to myself during that period.
Fear is only a thought in our minds. Invariably, there is no physical danger involved. If we give into fear - it increases. If we confront it - it can be overcome.
One final thought. Maybe you might allow your clients to have sight of my ISAD paper?
May I wish you every success with your studies.
Kindest regards