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From: Alan Badmington
Date: 10/21/03
Time: 4:43:18 PM
Remote Name:
Hi Drew,
Thank you for your kind comments.
My decision to expand my comfort zones resulted from my introduction to new techniques and an holistic approach.
I have already dealt with this point in my responses to several other questions/comments.
You may also wish to learn more about my experiences by reading the transcript of a speech that I gave at the British Stammering Association Annual Conference in 2001. I subsequently repeated it at the National Stuttering Association Annual Convention in California the following year. Entitled, 'Stuttering is not just a speech problem', it can be found on several Internet stuttering-related sites, including the following:
http://www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/Infostuttering/badmington.pdf (Stuttering Homepage)
http://www.stammer.demon.co.uk/conf2001_alanbadmington/ (British Stammering Association website)
Kindest regards
Alan Badmington