Chronic Stuttering

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Chronic Stuttering

From: Steve Hood
Date: 10/1/03
Time: 3:20:55 PM
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Hello, Gene

I thought Todd's story was powerful in 1986-87 when I first heard it and read it, and I feel it is just as powerful today. You have raised important points that must be considered. I am sure that your article will generate a lot of response.

Personally, I try not to use the tem "cure" because stuttering is not an illness. Nevertheless, I think I know what you mean in terms of regaining normal, unmonitored, fluency that does not need to be under the control and vigilence of the PWS always "hitting targets."

I think your article highlights a number of important factors: that fluency is more than the absence of stuttering, that trying to superimpose fluency targets on top of fear, expectancy, struggle and avoidance is doomed to failure, that effective communication is a reasonable outcome, and that achieving fluency at the end of an intensive treatment program is not the same as maintaining this improvement over the long haul.

Thanks, Gene, for spreading the word.

Steve Hood

Last changed: September 12, 2005