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From: Tim Mackesey
Date: 10/3/03
Time: 7:13:28 PM
Remote Name:
Gene, you raise some real important issues that span chronic stuttering, irresponsible claims about therapy and assistive devices for pws.
ANother important issue is the power of suggestion by an authority figure- an SLP in this case. It is inappropriate for anyone to suggest cure is likely with a product or service.
On the other end of the spectrum, we must also avoid communicating chronic stuttering as "terminal." If a figure of authority asserts that a pws is terminal, the person can lose hope. The choice of words and delivery is key.
Lance Armstrong was told he had six months to live by two oncologists.
It has often been said that there is not any therapy helpful to all pws. Thus, many pws keep trying different programs. In this journey is it possible to evolve out of CPS and into another severity scale?
I understand the thrust of the article to be "don't promise a cure." I agree.
I have also heard too many parents and children be told the opposite: "Your gonna stutter forever so learn to manage it." This can crush a kid.
There is a middle ground that involves inspiring a person to keep improving all aspects of communication and personal harmony.
Nice article.
Cheers, Tim