Chronic Stuttering

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Your Article- Todd's Story

From: Nicole Murphy, MN State Univ.
Date: 10/20/03
Time: 8:42:12 PM
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Mr. Cooper: I read your article about Todd and again was moved by what a PWS has to go through on a daily basis, sometimes. It was such a vivid illustration of the internal pain that CAN result from stuttering. I took a graduate course in Sttutering last year and I think I learned the most just by reading stories like kind of go into the story with no expectation & then you come out of it thinking "wow..I can't believe it". I would also think that for some PWS that it would be "difficult" to read the story because it means having to "accept" the stuttering in order to gain "control" & feel FREE. It seems in life accepting certain "realities" is often the hardest thing to do because it often means having to let go of something very important (a person, a dream) and doesn't happen overnight. But I picked up Mitch Albom's newest book "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" and it starts out something like this...."This book starts at the end of someone's life. Not exactly a normal way to start a book, but often an ending is just the beginning & we just don't know it".


Last changed: September 12, 2005