Breaking the Cocoon

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Re: 2 questions

From: Marija
Date: 10/17/03
Time: 10:01:41 AM
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Just a bit more on the first question: I would get more involved in school activities in the US (because there were so many), I would have gone to sports when I was a teenager (I didn't go because none of my friends would go), I would have hugged people more (you don't need much talking then, the touch says it all)... so it all revolves around trying not to let the stuttering be a prism that I see the world through. I didn't even try.

The treatment that helped me the most was psychoanalysis which I attended when I was 16-17. It made me visit a "talking store" as I call it for the first time since I was maybe 8-9. I had some horrific experiences as a stuttering child standing in a line to buy bread among nervous adults in a hurry (imagining it yet?) and gradually reduced all my shoppings to supermarkets. Even today when I enter a supermarket, I feel very safe and cozy. So that psychoanalist persuaded me after months of my refusal and fear to enter a talking store. I had a technique and a sentence we were using from my biology textbook. It went something like "hypophysis is a gland the size of a pee". After months of practicing I couldn't stutter on that sentence anymore. So he sent me off to a store to buy something. And I did!! Sucessfully! While I was waiting for the change, I wanted to burst into laughter! It felt like breaking of the ice cap over Arctic. I was so excited that I left my bike in front of the store and went home - so somebody stole it. So this was my first peak into the world of "I can" instead of "I will never be able to".

The second therapy that did my attitude good was Valmod, for which you can check up some of my previous answers. As I said earlier, I had no results from years of visiting different SLPs since that kind of therapy never scatched my inner self-image. I use to avoid crossing the main square because I was so embarassed and inferior, and on speech-therapy I was reading how Maja did this and that with her dolls...

Last changed: September 12, 2005