Breaking the Cocoon

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Re: Treatment

From: Marija
Date: 10/18/03
Time: 11:15:50 AM
Remote Name:


Yes Annette, the therapy that had helped me a great deal was Valmod therapy which I've mentioned here in some of my replies. You can read Eugene Cooper's "Todd's story" to get a better picture of speech upfalls and downfalls after such a therapy, but I picked up from it the things I needed: assertiveness, self-confidence and a few more things I can't put into words. I did get all these by talking fluently and feeling then and there that I CAN speak to ANYBODY. After that I cannot say to myself "I can't" as I'd always used to. It taught me to cut the wining and TRY. So although my fluency didn't last for long (after each of the 3 times I went there it lasted about the same) ,other changes in me were forever.

Last changed: September 12, 2005