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From: Jiri Mazoch
Date: 10/21/03
Time: 3:46:45 PM
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Dear Marija,
thanks for your comments. For your information, the first book for adults about stuttering in Czech was translation from French book by Parent: Une synthese de nos connaissances sur le begaiment. The second book was by Fraser: Self-therapy for the stutterer. No more books are issued. For me the best therapy was to join our self-help group. I have read your comments about stuttering in foreign languages. In my case I stutter much more in English than in Czech. I discussed this topic with several stutterers in Belgium and almost all of them told me that they stutter more in English than in native language, so the same as me. In English I have problems with stress. Many words have stress in other syllable than the first and this causes me big speech blocks. In Czech there is stress on first syllable. Now I am also learning a little French, I want to know my problems with pronunciation on the last syllable of words. But I have nobody to practice conversation. You mentioned that you had never been to Czech republic, if you have journey to my country someday, you are invited to visit me.
Could I have your permission to translate your article into Czech and give it to my fellow stutterers from our self-help group? Thank you.
All the best in the future!