Passing As Fluent

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Re: Covert Stuttering

From: Maria
Date: 10/6/03
Time: 1:18:28 PM
Remote Name:


This is the first time I have heard about covert stuttering and while reading your paper - I myself felt anxiety!! That is horrific. I stutter (not stammer) and my "hide" can last only for maybe a few minutes - then the jiggle comes and there, I let the other person swallow my tick, and then I go on. I cannot believe that you went through all that fear... but then again I don't know how it is to stammer and not stutter, and having that CHOICE to pretend and not just block. I understand why you went for it, the pretending. I understand the description about losing your self-esteem in your students' eyes, it does seam over reacting but it is indeed the truth. You have achieved so much with or without the stammer and anybody who has so many achievements can feel only PROUD of himself.

Last changed: September 12, 2005