Passing As Fluent

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Covert Stuttering

From: Amy Propst
Date: 10/11/03
Time: 9:17:56 PM
Remote Name:


Hi Terry!

I am a graduate student in Speech Pathology at West Virginia University and must say that I am very interested in covert stuttering. I thought your article was very impressive as well as informative. It not only expressed your obstacles and frustrations as a covert stutterer, but also explained how you adjusted your life style to achieve many goals. I admire your strengths as well as your desire to teach.

As a covert stutterer, how do you feel when lecturing to your large classes? You mentioned that "your brain is going 300 mph, avoiding words, ducking, and weaving" but overall how does this make you feel? Do you constantly feel nervous when interacting with your classes? And if so, how do you cope with these feelings daily? I am trying to get in the mind set of a covert stutter and I imagine that sometimes it is harder to avoid certain words in given situations. I can only imagine the amount of stress this makes on your daily communication.

I would like to thank you tremendously for sharing your story! You have "achieved" just by sharing your personal experiences! Thanks again!!

Last changed: September 12, 2005