Passing As Fluent

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Covert Stuttering

From: Barbara von dem Hagen student Kean University  (NJ)
Date: 10/15/03
Time: 9:29:09 PM
Remote Name:


During class last evening, we discussed the ISAD conference and covert stuttering. I have difficulty distinguishing between a covert stutterer and a fluent person. I was wondering if covert stuttering is similar to a person who is who is thin but perceives self as being "FAT". A classmate thought that a covert stutterer had the identification similar to a recovering alcoholic who sees self as an alcoholic although he/she has not had a drink in X amount of years. Could you possibly explain the difference between a covert stutterer and a disfluent person? Thank you in advance for any additional information that you can share with me.

Last changed: September 12, 2005