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From: Gretchen Switzer
Date: 10/15/03
Time: 11:35:09 PM
Remote Name:
Your paper really struck a nerve with me. My stuttering has been, from the onset, complete blockages on words. I had therapy in the 4th grade from the school Speech Therapist, which helped a lot, but the fear of stuttering has always been in the back of my mind. My stuttering today is very slight, in fact most people outside of my family don't even know I stutter, but every time I do have a blockage, I feel as if everyone is staring and knows that something is "wrong" with me. It really helps to know that other stutterers feel this way. I always felt that because my stuttering is so slight, I didn't have the "right" to be so upset or self-conscious, especially when there are others who have much greater problems with stuttering than I do. Thanks again for your insights.