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From: Ktfriedm@howell.k12.nj.us
Date: 10/16/03
Time: 12:12:31 PM
Remote Name:
As I read this paper it made me remember a situation that occured in the school where I work as a speech therapist. (The term covert stutter is new to me). I had a student who stuttered in 4th grade with a teacher who stuttered. At the start of the year I gave the teacher some background info. about the student and told her about some of the parents' concerns. The teacher said "his parents should leave him alone and he would be fine". She never mentioned her stuttering to me. I went in the classroom room from time to time to observe this student and the class was always involved in active conversations and my student always felt free to participate in her class. I wondered at the time why the teacher never mentioned her own stuttering to me. I guess it didn't really matter. She was an excellent teacher and always made the children in her class feel comfortable to participate.