Passing As Fluent

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Re: Overt Stuttering

From: Terry Dartnall
Date: 10/17/03
Time: 10:35:50 PM
Remote Name:


Hi Katrina (what a nice name – it sounds kinda Russian)

Do I believe that confidence plays a significant role in helping me pass as fluent in other speaking situations as well? Absolutely! Confidence plays a huge role – in both directions, because lack of it plays a huge role too. I imagine that what’s going on in my case is that I have a basic stammer that’s not so bad in itself, but it’s accompanied by a whole boatload of emotional baggage. Fear, mainly. Fear of stammering and being found out as an imposter. Baggage that has built up over a lifetime. But oddly, too, in a way that I don’t understand, confidence has built up as well. How can confidence and a lack of it build up and sit side by side? I really don’t know, but that does seem to be the case. We’re discovering that the self is made up of many components, so maybe there’s a component that’s confident and a component that’s afraid.

That’s probably nonsense, but your question got me going!

What do graduate students in Communication Disorders do? Is your work entirely course-based or do you have to write a thesis as well? I ask because I don’t know anything about the way communication disorders are taught in universities.



Last changed: September 12, 2005