Passing As Fluent

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Distinguishing Covert Stuttering

From: Adam Presswood, Student/Fontbonne University, St. Louis, MO
Date: 10/19/03
Time: 11:49:12 PM
Remote Name:


When speaking, I, as I'm sure is true of every other speaker, will sometimes substitute some words or phrases for others, not based on any potential fluency problems, but because I am sometimes not sure of a certain word's pronunciation, whether or not the word or phrase is really appropriate for a given situation, etc. When you substitute and/or avoid words and phrases, can you tell a difference between those substitutions that characterize non-stuttering speech and those that are occurring as part of covert stuttering. That is, do you always feel a physical, emotional, or articulatory cue that tells you to substitute in order to avoid being disfluent? Thank you.

Adam Presswood

Last changed: September 12, 2005