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From: Steve Hood
Date: 10/1/03
Time: 3:56:14 PM
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Hi, Russ
From our bantering back and forth on Stutt-L, and after about three years of workshops on 'covert stuttering' at conventions of the National Stuttering Association, I am aware of the ways in which you have enhanced the Iceberg concept. Thanks for sharing these with ISAD. You have also added a pretty neat ship, as well.
As you said-- no analogy is perfect, but you have certainly made some great points here about the imortant dimensions that lurk below the surface.
I think that I will probably never view an ice cube in the glass in quite the same way. The next time I see one I'll look carefully to see if you are hiding behind it.
The analogy you have developed fits well with overt and covert adults for whom stuttering has become a long term, chronic problem. I hope that the students and clinicians who are reading this will realize that the iceberg does not somehow and mysteriously just develop out of no where. It grows and develops gradually over time. Those of you who have the privledge and honor of working with kids are responsible for helping prevent the growth and development of these icebergs, and helping them manage their icebergs that persist.
Thanks for contributing, Russ.
Steve Hood