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From: Russ Hicks
Date: 10/10/03
Time: 12:35:47 PM
Remote Name:
Hello Adele,
Ah yes, covert stuttering - a subject near and dear to my heart! As a matter of fact, it was during the course of my studying covert stuttering that I developed (really just enhanced) this iceberg analogy to explain some things about covert stuttering. I could talk for days about this topic, but I'll resist the urge... Next year I ought to write a paper on this subject. Matter of fact, there's one on this conference now by my friend Terry Dartnall, a covert stutterer himself, called "Passing as Fluent." I suggest you read that. You'll enjoy it!
Another recommendation I have is that you join the Covert-S group on Yahoo at...
You'll find an amazing group of covert stutterers on there who will understand EXACTLY your concerns.
Comfortable? Doing something you've resisted doing all your life? No, of course not. But that's a CHOICE you have. And a legitimate one at that. Get back with me in a year and tell me if anything has changed for you. I'd REALLY be interested!
Best of luck to you!
Russ russhicks@mail.com