Iceberg of Stuttering

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Re: Iceberg of Stuttering

From: Russ Hicks
Date: 10/13/03
Time: 8:09:39 PM
Remote Name:


Hello Katherine,

Thanks for your excellent question. I believe that support (self-help) groups are probably the best way to attack psychological problems because you can talk to other people with your same concerns. But there aren't support groups in a lot of places. Some possible alternatives involve working with an SLP who understands the iceberg and the importance of working on emotions and who will LISTEN to what the stutterer has to say.

Probably the very best thing that a stutterer can do is to join the National Stuttering Association. We have lots of literature and people to talk with - and the NSA can help you find a support group near you.

Another possibility is using the internet for email discussion groups like Stutt-L or StutteringChat. Even Covert-S is showing some excellent promise for the sub-goup of covert stutterers.

It's really a shame that 99.9% of psychologists don't know a thing about stuttering. But if you can find that 0.1% that does, that's also a good source of someone to help you work below the waterline. Quite often a stutterer will have additional psychological problems in addition to stuttering. Issues like self esteem, social interaction skills and personal rapport can be addressed by qualified psychologists - even if he knows nothing about stuttering.

Had enough? How's that for starters? <smile>

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're enjoying this conference!

My best,


Last changed: September 12, 2005