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From: Russ Hicks
Date: 10/15/03
Time: 11:10:14 PM
Remote Name:
Hi Michelle,
First I should tell you that I am NOT a speech pathologist, and especially not one who works with children. I do know however that typically children do not start out with big icebergs. The iceberg begins to grow as they mature into adults. But that's not to say that your client doesn't have an iceberg, it's just that I am as uncertain as you are about how to go about probing it.
Where do you go to school? Who is your professor? I see you are not on Stutt-L, the listserv for Stuttering Research and Clinical Practice which would be a good group to ask. I can put you in touch with some very experienced SLPs who specialize in working with children if you want.
Please let me hear from you on this. My email is russhicks@mail.com.