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From: Russ Hicks
Date: 10/16/03
Time: 5:32:06 PM
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Hi Lynne,
Thanks for you kind words. Coming from you, that really means a lot to me!
Yes, analogies really do tend to make complex problems easier to visualize. "If your car is blowing blue smoke, you don't change the tire!" That's soooo much easier to understand than trying to laboriously explain why it is so important to work on the correct problem - even if it's a hard one - rather than just working on the easy stuff.
Actually this iceberg analogy paper is a by product of me trying to understand covert stuttering better. It turned out that I needed a better tool to help explain stuttering itself and how do differentiate between overt and covert stuttering. As a result, I did this paper on the tool rather than covert stuttering! Next year, I'll try to do a paper on covert stuttering. But Terry Dartnall has already got a good paper on that topic in this conference. I hope to work with him next year and maybe we can pool our resources...
The ultimate analogy which still blows away is the double helix analogy for DNA. I am in total awe of the people who developed that...
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment, Lynne. This is an amazing conference, isn't it? Judy Kuster is truly a master at putting these things on.
See you on Stutt-L!