Iceberg of Stuttering

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Your personal experience...

From: Elizabeth Sherman
Date: 10/17/03
Time: 10:13:28 AM
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I loved your article!!! I am a graduate student,and I am taking a fluency class right now. I love Sheehan's iceberg analogy. It is so true, hitting at the heart of the mystery of stuttering. I do have a question for you since you have experienced many therapies firsthand. What approach did you like the most when you did find a therapist who wanted to know your emotional baggage? I guess what I am asking is when was it o.k. for you to let the therapist in on your deeper surface of stuttering--emotional baggage? I think that is what makes a good therapist knowing how to approach the emotional issues when the client is ready otherwise, you could turn him off to therapy with all of the psychology stuff when they are just interested in being more fluent, or the surface characteristics. Thanks again for sharing such a wonderful article.

Last changed: September 12, 2005