Iceberg of Stuttering

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Re: iceberg analogy

From: Russ Hicks
Date: 10/21/03
Time: 5:20:02 PM
Remote Name:


Hi Bri,

The answer to both questions is yes. <smile> Support groups, like the NSA chapters, are one of the best current mechanisms for working on the underside of the iceberg. It's not very scientific, granted, but the very act of LISTENING to someone who stutters can have magical effects. Also if there are others in the group that a person can look up to as a role model, that also helps. "If he can do it, so can I!"

Make no mistake about it though, facing a fear head on is a dynamite way to do it! Remind me to write you several volumes on that in my own life! It wasn't necessarily courage that made me face my fears, it was sometimes a matter of working at gunpoint! I had some very key people in my life literally FORCE me to do some things that scared me to death! But once I did them, the feelings of power overcoming your fears are unbelievable!

Hopefully as as SLP you can encourage your clients to do the same. Go WITH THEM to an NSA meeting. At least the first time. LISTEN to them. Learn about some counseling techniques that you can use. It's hard, but not impossible.

Woody Starkweather in his comment above suggested that future SLPs need to learn to be come SCUBA divers! Ha, ha, ha! But he's really right! So strap on your tank and go get 'em!

Best of luck to you. Thanks for stopping by!


Last changed: September 12, 2005