Desirable Outcomes From Stuttering THerapy

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Welcome to ISAD !!!  Thanks for visiting my paper

From: Steve Hood
Date: 9/25/03
Time: 4:41:02 PM
Remote Name:


Let me first pay tribute to Judy Kuster, for organizing another wonderful ISAD On-Line Conference. Judy works hard to make these a success and we all owe her a word of appreciation and a round of cheers.

Thank you for visiting my paper. I hope it provides some insights that prove helpful, and I hope it provides food for thought. I also hope that those who have questions or comments will post them, and that we can have a profitable series of discussions. Often, the discussions surrounding the papers turn out to be more intereting than the actual papers themselves.

Welcome On Board. I look forward to interacting with you.

Last changed: September 12, 2005