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From: Steve Hood
Date: 10/3/03
Time: 10:32:11 PM
Remote Name:
Hi Gunars--
To be honest, I am not at all sure what you are driving at, and do not see how your hypothesis fits with the models developed by Johnson and Sheehan. Your comments are pretty general and so I am having trouble focusing in on the major theme to which you want a reply. A written dialog in a format such as this does not permit discussion and clarification within the time limits of this open forum.
Best wished for the successful completion of your graduate program. I guess you will be starting your professional career as a psychologist at about the same time I am decelerating my career as an SLP.
After you finish your dissertation, refine the logic, and get the bugs out of it, maybe you can post your revised theory at a conference such as this, or in a peer-reviewed journal.
I have enjoyed chatting with you at several NSA conventions. Maybe we can follow up on this next June in Baltimore where we are not limited by the "type-send-reply" format of ISAD.
best regards,
Steve Hood