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From: Steve Hood
Date: 10/9/03
Time: 12:13:39 PM
Remote Name:
Hi Mary
Let me first make a comment regarding the SSI. As you indicated, this instrument is only for the behavioral components, and it does a pretty good job with frequency, duration and concomitant behaviors/effort/struggle. Unfortunately, it does not consider the **type** of stuttering, so we also do an anlysis for repetitions (sound, syllable, single-syllable whole word, multiple word) Prolongations (voiced/voiceless) stoppages (hard contacts, tense pauses, silent blocks) as well as others like interjections, recoils, revisions, etc.
With respect to attitudes and feelings, there are a number of instruments. Let me first say that I think the experienced clinician can really get a lot of this simply through discussions with the client, and of course this information is collected gradually, over time.
Rather than mention just one or two instruments-- let me give you some general text sources and publishers from which you can find a tremendous number of items for kids, teens, and adults. So as not to appear biased, I'll list these alphabetically. < smile >
Ed Conture: Stuttering: Its Nature, Diagnosis and Treatment. (Allyn Bacon)
Barry's Guitar: Stuttering: An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment. (Wilkins)
Walt Manning: Clinical Decision Making in Fluency Disorders. (Singular)
David Shapiro: Stuttering Intervention: A collaborative journey to fluency freedom. (Pro-Ed.)
Franklin Silverman: Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders. (Allyn and Bacon.)
I hope this helps.
Steve Hood