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From: Steve Hood
Date: 10/17/03
Time: 9:10:12 PM
Remote Name:
Hi, Katrina
Thanks for commenting.
I think these ISAD conferences can be of interest to a lot of people. Although my paper may apprear to have been address to teens and adults who stutter, I also had in mind an intended readership of clinicians AND **students.** I am a university prof, so I usually have students in mind when I do things like this.
As a matter of fact, I am teaching the undergraduate stuttering course this semester. The students have assignments to read papers on ISAD, then then post a comment or ask a question of the author. (An exception, however, is that they are not permitted to read my paper-- they get enough from me during the semester.
I hope you will get a chance to work with PWS, and then be able to apply these ideas in the real world.
Steve Hood