Desirable Outcomes From Stuttering THerapy

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Re: Advertising!

From: Steve Hood
Date: 10/21/03
Time: 10:11:37 PM
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Hi Ann

Great comment, and I hope before this interactive part of the conference ends tomorrow, that others might add their experiences. Your basic question seems to have several subcomponents, so I will try to hit the hightlights in the available time remaining to do so.

All I can say is that nothing is perfect-- nothing works all the time, equally well, for all concerned.

Advertising itself is a symbol if acceptance. It is not necessarily the pin or button or token or t-shirt, or even the act of vuluntary stuttering, per se, that is the crucial elememnt. Any one of them, or several in combintion, can turn the tide.

The issue is showing listeners that "stutteirng is ok" and that "I need not deny, hide, conceal, and run from it" -- ETC.

Advertising is one way to do this -- a way that can be socially acceptable, and a way that can reap strong rewards.

Unfortunately, like other things, it is not perfect and there is not fool-proof promise that it will be universally effective ....

I hope others have a chance to comments.

Steve Hood

Last changed: September 12, 2005