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From: Tara Blair
Date: 10/15/03
Time: 10:22:31 PM
Remote Name:


John and Sharon- thank you so much for sharing your story about your son Mattie and the challenges you have both faced along the way. Reading this paper only highlights the fact that we all face our challenges and all find a way to cope with the stressors that life hands us. I just really enjoyed reading your paper because of the focus on your son and how raising him and managing his autism has obviously influenced your "stuttery" speech. I found Sharon's comment interesting about how you love Mattie because of who he is and that "if Mattie didn't have autism, he wouldn't be Mattie." Do you find that you feel the same way about yourself in that without the "stuttery" speech, you wouldn't be you? Again, thanks for sharing your story.

Last changed: September 12, 2005