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From: Marija Cvetkovic
Date: 10/8/03
Time: 2:41:23 PM
Remote Name:
Dear Judy,
I can't thank you enough for this event. Almost all of my life I have been looking for answers and no one was able to give them to me in a satisfactory way, I always felt like I knew much more than an expert or a psychologist about stuttering. And I knew that someone MUST HAVE found some answers or at least some explanations. Now I've come to this conference and I cannot stop absorbing information. It is all written in a way that I understand and I keep on having the "aha-moments" and saying: "Yes!! Exactly!! That's how it is!!" I feel soooooooooo happy and in my element in there, that Conference feels like home. If it was live, I feel I could put my slippers on in front of everybody on and just listen and answer and comment... I have put notices on Croatian College of Medicine as well as Phylosophical College - I mean on their web-forums - about this conference. I have gotten positive feedback, thanking me for putting such an information on. I said that this was a month of stuttering... :o) I tried to put the notice up on some more college web-sites but I couldn't get in because they let only their students in, with that special ID... that's too bad. I sent an E-mail to a Croatian TV's special programm that deals with people with disabilities - still haven't heard from them but maybe I will. This Sunday our Croatian Stuttering Association Hinko Freund is meeting in a national park and there is a 95% possibility of a press-conference being held. I am only sorry that I don't have the capacity to read more stories and get involved in more discussions - I have printed out 10 and as I'm reading them I'm writing down my questions. After I'm finished I'll print another 10... There are papers written by people who intimidate me in a way because of all of their titles and experiences. I mean I am intimidated to speak up on their paper because I fear of looking silly! I know this is silly... Thank you again for this conference and opening up this world to me!
It all makes sense at Online Conference it feels like home we are not alone!!
Greetings from Zadar,