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From: Tim Mackesey
Date: 10/3/03
Time: 6:32:57 PM
Remote Name:
I appreciate your interest in hlping a friend. 1) he must desire to change it 2) he must then a have a reference of eye contact- an experience in which he says "I really like this. THis is important to me."
People get told all the time to improve eye contact. Some well meaning adults will wave a finger and gesturally draw the eyes to their own face. This is about as effective as telling a nail biter "don't bite your nails."
I have a great exercise in mind. Buy "Instant Rapport" by Michael Brooks and learn about the eye patterns. In your local chapter, do exercises in which people tell stories and the listeners watch their eye patterns to see if the speaker is accessing visually, auditorally, or kinesthetically. This intrigue, interest, and satisfaction may just motivate him to become a keen observer of peoples eye patterns. So, the eye pattern education and modeling becomes a metaphor for increasing desire to watch eyes. How's that? :)
Cheers, Tim