Humor as a Variable in the Process of Change

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Re: When to use humor

From: Walt Manning
Date: 10/12/03
Time: 12:56:54 PM
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Hello Ruth- I hope that I answered you question in my reaponse to Judy Butler. I think you will know if and when the timing is right. Follow the cues of smiling by the client. We are not talking about us telling jokes or even laughing. When a client seems to be pausing or thinking and taking a new perspective about something that was only awful or frightening it may be an opportunity for us to raise an eyebrow, slightly smile, (OK, maybe a tiny humph) but no more. See what happens. Sometimes, instead of laughing or smiling, people will shed a tear or two when they see a different way of thinking about themselves or their situation (or problem). The newness of that perspective is the same thing. So sometimes it's a smile, sometimes a tear. But it's the same thing. Thanks for your comments.

Last changed: September 12, 2005