Humor as a Variable in the Process of Change

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Re: when?

From: Walt Manning
Date: 10/20/03
Time: 9:22:00 PM
Remote Name:


Jennifer- I don't know that there is AN appropriate time. It might never occur. I've commented in my responses to previous questions about this but mostly we have to follow the client. I am not likely to go into a session thinking "Today I plan to introduce humor." But I would respond naturally to a comment or a look or a reaction of a client who seemed to indicate they were not longer overwhellmed by a stutterng moment. Or maybe they indicated that they interpreted their stuttering experience from a new perspective. They wouldn't have to laugh or smile and I wouldn't force that one them. But as they begin to change their perspective about themselves and their stuttering experience these moments are more likely to occur. If we experiment a bit and respond to them when they provide us these openings good things might happen. Thanks for your question.

Last changed: September 12, 2005